Creepy ass stalker. Uke deserves better.

what the hell r u talking ab? this isn’t about leverages. we’re both in managago reading toxic yaoi deadass why is there even a comparison ab that. it’s the fact you saying he’s creepy when it’s already been explicit from the beginning that I’m commenting on. but if you wanna go there, you literally just commented “I love noncon” and you’re here mad at stalking. idk what to tell you about that

Idk why ur so mad about what I said. The seme is a creep and uke barely acknowledged the creepiness. It was glossed over. I liked the art but the ukes reaction to the stalking specifically was poorly executed. And yeah I did comment that, since that’s a kink of mine (I know that’s something I want but uke in the story didn’t know about the stalking). If you’re okay with bad storytelling (meaning the reaction to the stalking specifically, since you need me to spell it out for you) that’s you but in this case, the ml is a creep. And that’s what I think.

it just pmo that you’re complaining ab something that’s been right in front of our faces since arguably the first few chapters, and that you’re still here calling it “bad story telling” 49 chapters and 4 side stories later. and even if you did “spell it out”, me reacting to this poorly doesn’t mean I disagree with the reaction of stalking constituting as the entire plot for you to call it bad. like ?? where did that even come from? again, I just mentioned it earlier in this same paragraph. read it again. like yes he’s a creep n obsessive as hell but what else??? wru still doin here then??? why’re u bringing up other stuff??

If your not gonna suck my dick leave me alone. Im here to read about ppl fucking. Ik I posted a comment and anyone can reply to it bc free will and the internet but at least be less irritating. You brought up the noncon first. You took the extra step to go to my profile and check it out and you’re asking me why I’m still here and bringing up ‘other stuff’ as you put it. I’m here cuz I’m jacking off obv. Just taking some quick breaks in between bc I’m curious abt ur replies. Not curious enough to go to ur timeline tho.
I’d spread my buns for her too