michael jackson created a topic of Jinx

Dan better than me cuz I would’ve sold his ass out

michael jackson created a topic of Backlight

I hate when characters are careless about sleeping around; so unsafe and disgusting. He’s so disrespectful with it too.

michael jackson created a topic of Monday'saviour
michael jackson created a topic of Jinx

Baek jumin is so fine bro he looks like a dragon

michael jackson created a topic of Salvation Spirit

water fountain

michael jackson created a topic of Sunshine Shower

What the fuck is wrong with him

michael jackson created a topic of Solo For Two

What the fuck was this chapter

michael jackson created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Theo in armor has me foaming at the mouth

michael jackson created a topic of My Suha

The side story was a dumpster fire

michael jackson created a topic of Sunshine Shower

He’s hiding in the car shaking in his boots

michael jackson created a topic of Sunshine Shower

He’s in a car shaking in his boots

Finally the wide bug eyed bitch left I'm fucking sick of his bs let them be at peace damn

michael jackson created a topic of December

RIP to everybody involved

I hope his arm gets torn off so I can shove it up his ass. Mc deserves better I hope that fugly cunt suffers ugly ass raypiss. Hoe wouldn't shut the fuck up even when bro was blasting a nut so annoying

michael jackson created a topic of Insomnia

He probably woke up in the middle of it and was too shocked to do anything

michael jackson like the answer
THEM (some arent couples but let me be delusional)
michael jackson created a topic of Jinx

Hope he loses his entire arm. If not I’ll just rip it off myself and then shove it up his ass