Fact check
Usually extreme tight-lacing was reserved for party which noble women who extremely cared for appearance took on the challenge of lacing down 2-4 sizes. Regularly Corsets were not tight-laced and if they were it’s was for noble women and it was 0.5-1 size. The myth that corsets caused fainting spells are incorrect and the only side-effects of a corset was restricted-bending, lighter breathes(it’s hard to breathe deeply) and taking longer to eat rather than restricting how much you eat. The corsets actually gave women abdominal support, thus if they suddenly stopped wearing them they would lack the extra abdominal support from the corset. Wearing a corset doesn’t help one gain much abdominal muscles. Corsets also straighten your back for the most part so naturally if they suddenly stopped wearing a corset their posture may decline. Sorry for the rant but I hate when story’s f up like this. See ya
I literally just finished reading the chapter (23) and I literally just said he’s so cute. Like tf is wrong with me......I’m going insane (⊙…⊙ )