I thought it would be a story about a guy raising dragons but instead it's about a guy befriending slaves and then starting his own drug operation out of nowhere.
I can't tell if the ending was rushed or if it's the bad translation that made it feel that way.
It's weird because it was readable yet didn't make any kind of sense.
This is so dumb. Does the author have a romance clichés checklist or something ?
They're so sharp they can use their chins to slice things, maybe they can use that to slice his life
It's baaaaaaaaaack !!!! Finally ! That cliffhanger was illegal
... What kind of BS is that about dick evolution ? I think it was so dumb it melted my brain.
Wouldn't the logical thing to do is give him a gift if he doesn't get the award ? Since he is nominated specifically to hurt him by not having a real chance to get the award ?
"Someone is setting you up to fail every year but let me reward you if they don't this year" ? What kind of logic is that ?
Dude should change career, such a waste of his nose.
Does someone has link to buy official merch ? I don't spend money on virtual chapters, only physical copies, but I'd gladly buy merch like
People are complaining about the censoring but I actually really like it ?
I think it's clever and you can tell it was thought through. It's a 100% time better than just cutting out the scenes or the overbearing flowers. It's also less ridiculous than the lightsabers and more readable than the weird black out shadows.
I'm guessing the author either really liked Oz or learned to draw copying Pandora hearts
What do you mean "the end" ? You finished nothing (⊙…⊙ )
So we're back to square one... Can Jaegeng just drown at sea so we can be done with this please ?
Is the author using a 3d model as base ? There's no way to make the characters that stiff otherwise right ? Like their torsos can't bend and their hips never move which make them be in a constant awkward position... It's bothering me so much I may end up dropping it
So no one is gonna fix chapter 53 to 55 which aren't the right story ?
Do someone know an exorcist or something to rid us of that last panel ?
Oh right. It was yaoi, the story is so good I legit forgot Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)