OKay, its high time I get reading some yuris, youre probably thinking i want some recommendations on some good yuris, and yes that would be nice, if you could reply some down below, but ive always been fascinated on how yuri spicy scenes are drawn, i know bl, the usual foreplay blah blah and dicks involved duhhh, but are toys frequently used in spicy yuris, whats the teaaaa??
can someone give me a link to a yuri smut, im simply curious, and perhaps you're all time fave yuri, not a list ideally, i wanna know what you like :)

I literally can’t with school work no more. I come back from school and go on this website and watch anime for escapism, I hate school. Should be thinking about what college, I’m going to attend but I don’t even know what I wanna major even damn
I lowkey wanna be a music artist, but my parents would kill me, I’ve even made a list on my notes on lyrics because I’m really invested in song writing, but... one can dream. Not asking for people to push me into trying to live my dream or anything, I’m not a Disney princess but I just wanted to know if anyone’s in the same predicament as me. Another thing is I barely get to see my friends in school, because of all covid rules and bullshit, I wasn’t necessarily THAT close with them anyway, but their absence changed my mental state, because I did enjoy their presence, everything just seems to be going too fast, idk anymore, doesn’t anyone else feel the same, as sooner as you step foot back into the house, there’s this feeling of hollowness that can’t be satisfied no matter how much fun you have, it’s all just :/ not depressed but a feelin that you’re waiting for something to happen?

Sorry if I’m being selfish, but it’s nice to know people who are goin they the Samen shut as me..
My parents want me to be a doctor or get into civil services...but I don’t want that..I really just want to live life in the moment and do something like social media or start a radio station or anything that’s outside the box and let’s me have with every day life...when I told my parents I dint wanna be a doctor or get into civil.s , I was criticized really bad, but I didn’t back out for 2months , and trust me those w months were hell , day in and out I would have to be burdened by their taunts and provocations and judgements and I finally gave in to their demands

Hmm, I actually quite like that line of thinking. Like our minds constantly need to stimulated, and the day in same old schedule isn’t enough perhaps, leaving us with a feeling of dissatisfaction. Hmm never thought of that, maybe because I’m going to school and I didn’t wanna fucking go lol only cuz it’s mandatory.

Not selfish at all, but Yh
I just don’t understand, I’m the youngest in the family, and I have to get into the line of medicine or some shit, only for the reputation, I don’t understand it is MY life lol
I really like that radio station idea tho, I’d love to have a platform like that also it’d Be cool
And damn I was reading your reply and predicted youd get through those 2 months, but you did well regardless, you haverhino skin I’m proud :)
And Yh im hella scared of the constant throw of taunts and challenges my parents will thro at me, it’s very tiring to go through... arghh
Even tho I don’t know you personally, our hearts at the same place which is nice to know
Than you so much for sharing it made me and I hope others feel better :)

What's the difference between having a crazy crush on someone and falling completely in love with someone. Is there a difference, or is the word 'crush' a little more informal and passive. Someone clarify... :/

ive never been in love - i think - but ive had two crushes in the past. I think that for me, i just liked what they had, like the first guys was really smart, and the other was really nice. to put it simply - from the experience ive had- a crush is someone whom you have a huge amount of respect for, while being in love means that you are romantically and sexually attracted to them. I also believe in those like, phycological things, so being in love only happens to your soulmate

Yeah, i guess falling in love is a big deal, and can be just as hard as falling out of love than in. In my lifetime, I've had six major crushes (yh it's a lot) that I do still think about every now and then. But i was genuinely curious to know if there was a bit of a difference. Thanks for clarifying that. ;)

From my exp, having a crazy crush on someone could be someone you don't really know that well ans as said above what mostly attracts you is a certain aspect/ characteristic they have. It can vary from the looks, some of their opinions or they way they speak (some one mentioned that you may admire them). Crushes don't usually last very long and without anyone fangirling over them, they pass and fade away. {some turn into memories?}
On the contrary, being in love (if that's what happened to me) could start as a crush and blossom later on. In my honest opinion, I don't know exactly DA recipe to get me (I say 'me' because I can only talk about myself) to be in love butt I can guarantee talking and, more importantly, trying to understand one another is a requirement. Another one would be that they're human as in they possess humane qualities and they are decent persons.
Look, many people say that loving feelings somewhat fade over time so instead of defining love as an emotion, you can perceive it as a promise from yourself (that you don't have to tell anyone). Aaaaaaaaaaaaand, that's not what you want to know.... Back to the subject now...
If you're looking for how it feels like, here goes nothing. Movies say it's like fireworks or your heart beating like a drum and that may be true for some butt to me it was warmth. Like the calm after a storm where you know the storm is in the past and you're moving forward . It can be reassuring like a lighthouse is to a sailor and a motive to become a better version of yourself for yourself {self love}.
You can say a crush is like you want to smack lips with them or even tap dat ass if it's physical while love is like you want to make the recipient of it happier (I think it's quite more about giving than receiving). {Note: you can love a person and want to ecchi stuff with them (●'◡'●) }
If you want to know these because you're in a dilemma, instead of rushing things wouldn't it be better to let it go on and play out so that you can handle and understand matters better?

Okay, so this isn't necessarily a rant or anything, but i'm curious. Whenever i'm watching or reading some steamy-ass smut scene (come thu w/ the alliteration) but I get this lowkey dip feeling in my groin area. Is that when a man would catch a boner. But what is it for women?? Let me knowww

Nah i aint dumb. Ive heard all different names for it like lady boner, but i just wanted someone to give me a more in-depth description of what was going on with ny body. Scientific stuff y'know???
Closest answer ive got was a female boner and i guess ill conduct in further research with that piece of 'useful' information later

I feel like most people mentally can't come to terms with the fact that they're on this website because they fetishize gay relationships and men. I feel like starting trouble *sips piping hot tea*

at this point, i don't really get what people mean by "fetishize".... to me fetishize is when you see someone as a sex object and nothing more. I can honestly say I don't feel that way about real men/gaymen but I guess you can say I fetishize fictional men because I read a lot of yaoi but I guess that also means I fetishize frictional women because I like huge oppai hentai ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I feel like some people read it so they can put themselves in the story. As you may know but many people on this site are female and presumably single. If you were to read shoujo and put yourself in it, it would be different considering that most shoujo manga mcs are female. But then having two male characters and then put yourself in, you would have a different reaction. (For better or for worse)
Moral of the story: Some people are desperate and use yaoi as a y/n type of story.

Who here GENUINELY is a fan of shotacon and gets off to it.
Don't worry, not an undercover cop here or anything, just wanted to conduct in some type of research and curious....
And tell the truth! Because I know they weren't created for the sake of it, there's an audience, are you one of them? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Shotacon is disguting, just like Lolycon and beastiality. There are audience for that cause humans were always like this, good and bad exist within human's mind, with a "fascination" more or less macabre for what's wrong or forbidden by society, taboo... Things like that exist I think, because our world is also a place where reason and wisdom evolute besides madness.
I don't even want to know why people are watching these, since Shotacon/Lolycon depict sexual content involving kiddos, not child in sane situations.
Glauque and criminal to me.

I'm not a therapist nor I'll waste my time for you in this, it's too late. You also have a brain, do you? Just use it to get why it's sick.
Lectures like that, truth is you can only keep them deep in you and for yourself; same for beastiality. I dare you to go out and tell everybody you're watching comics involving kids in sexual conditions.

What things have bee troubling you lately. I just think its healthy to rant every now and then. If you haven't had a opportunity to rant to someone use me as a rant mini-forum.
You can pretty much talk about anything. I don't mind.

I can't decide if i should leave my country to live in another country. I have a good job (a really good job especially for a 21 yr old like me) back in the PH and I also have a opportunity to stay here in Italy. That's what troubling me for the past months ㅠㅠ i don't think i can do a desk job here in italy if ever i stay here since i am a foreigner. Sad

My best friend and i started hanging out less and less with time :( we used to hang out all day before but now he just only comes for half an hour and then he goes... i thought it was for a day or two but now its been over a week and i know people are meant to be busy and stuff like that but i cant help but be kinda sad that my favorite person is slipping away and i cant do anything about it

Have you had a opportunity to sit him down and talk to him about it?
If its something subtle where he would feel like its childish to talk about, then i wouldn't have a chat, id maybe query him a bit more on whats keeping him busy.
As harsh as this sounds, maybe he just doesn't value the time he spends with you as much as you do, and perhaps he finds something about it irksome.
Is he in a relationship and is spending time with his significant other, and is struggling to find enough time for the 2 of you?
Is he sending you hints or have you identified any red flags when the 2 of you spend time together?
I don't have any idea about whats could be possibly going on, but i'd say, if its concerning enough for you to raise a flag, then follow your gut instincts, and just ask him about it?
Good luck ;)

I think its always good to evaluate the benefits and the drawbacks of situations like these. Remember this is your future on the line and its good to have a long and hard though about this.
As idiotic as this sounds, get a piece of paper and write the benefits and drawbacks of both countries and which one fulfills the most happiness to you personally.
Ask family and friends for advice and remember to listen to YOUR gut instinct because statistically there is a extremely high possibility that's its correct.
Right now, you already seem more biased to your job in the Philippines, so already think that one suits you more. As someone who currently lives in Europe, it is very competitive to find a job, and in addition it much harder for foreigners as its sad that people STILL display Xenophobia in public. So yeah...
Follow your heart, you won't go wrong. Good luck ;)

No i hadn’t lately since hes so busy but hed go on and off sometimes and he doesnt like to talk about that stuff so i dont have the chance even if i want to and even if i did i dont think theres something to do about it...and if he doesnt value the time he has with me he wouldve said so and stopped hanging out with me long time ago since hes harshly honest lol. And i think im the only person he hangs out with since he spended all days and nights with me before and if he was going out with a person he tells me beforehand to delay plans or something like that.. i dont know why im saying all of this but thank you for your time you had me thinking up of other possibilities i had never imagined and slowly accepting that things could change with time and nothing lasts forever thanks alot man!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
I’m getting withdrawal symptoms after binge reading it all in one go. I literally stayed up until 9am reading until I literally had to force myself to go to sleep cause it was so addictive.
I like manly ukes who can hold their own down, and semes which are 100x worse. A recommendation where the uke finds the seme irritating because he’s too all-knowing.
You gotta another rec, honey lamb? I’m currently reading that one, also
Payback is a one of a kind gem fr. Not to fuel the fire but continue reading the novel. The English translation is ahead by a couple chapters
Where do you read the novel ?
Chrysanthemum garden. I think the latest manhwa chapter corresponds with ch 53 on CG. It’s a lot more graphic in the novel though. Feel so bad for jimin
yayy thanks so much (^///^)
honestly payback is deadass a diamond in the rough, nothing can compare
Roses and Champagne also has that kind of dynamic
like.... it gets you sweating with how good it is