There may or may not be a spicy scene after this …

So basically after all the chaos dies down at the ring, the police force call for back up and paramedics to help wu yu cause they’re both bloody after throwing fists.
They a have hawt make out session in the back of the truck, shit gets steamy and i think he basically confesses memory is hazy but the negative tension sorta fizzles at that point

missed it but went back to the first panel at the very top which is a time skip forward of 2 weeks since their role assignment. FUCK THEIR FIRST HICCUP. what the hell happened. Toono seems angry with Yacchan and wishes he'd never played Romeo alongside him???? And instead of looking remorseful or guilty at something he'd done, Yacchan looks pissed, too. Did someone sabotage? IDKKKK

Theresa a lot of plot holes, or should I say cards the author can pull out to get the story going. We still have not been introduced to MCs mother. I’m very curious about her. Also, how did Jiwoon go from being completely sex repulsed to having a “healthy” sex life down there? Scratch my head. Everybody needs to be psychologised, thoroughly. And I still hate the seme, I don’t care for his back sorry or why he’s the way he is.
Short hair uke supremacy