I am waiting for the shojo/romance part in every chapter but it turned out to be the love story of the lion! So cute and adorable! The only thing wrong with this manga is that it s very short. It has potential to be long focusing on the daily life of the lion and the master. Urrg. I want more of this manga. Good thing I came up with this! Definitely worth reading!

I was just browsing the list of the latest updates and looking for something to read after reading all the yaoi updates. Hahaha
I'm also into Seinen and it brought me here. And why? Why did I have to cry from the start until the recent chapter!!! This is too much! My eyes are red now. I'm too embarrassed to leave my room and suddenly be questioned why I'm like this. Urgggh. I wish I read this when its all finished. Another manga to look forward to! Another waiting game too! ;)
So we can also see what happened with the two couple after some years!!! Oohhhh!!!! I want I want!!!!