Whoa I did not expect choi jong in to look that young *ehem good looking* and pink haired at that! I've always imagined him as a sleezy old guy. I thought that aside from hae in and jin woo the other s rankers of korea are on the really older side. That aside I finally get to see what hae in looks like!!!

I already had a bad feeling when I first read the prequel, I didn't want it to actually come true but it did. I kinda wish I didn't read this. The prequel had me satisfied, this one just ruined it for me. Getting mixed feelings about chii. I understand the idea of flings/substitutes but man, yah found out yer unrequited love has hope,then sex bud here asks for a lasty and yah comply? Wtf kinda halfassed love there mate.
Well that stressed me out. So I'm gonna read fluff yaoi now.

Seriously spoilers don't read if yah don't want. Don't want them hate okay.
So I've read it all over again. So hyesung is smart at math and still is since he answered his friends homework looking all happy and pretty much calcuted shit in a blink of an eye in that omega to alpha incident. In the raws his father was abusive, seems like he expect nothing of hyesung (ex. Is that he doesn't believe thay hyesung was an alpha) and in the raws and like what tofu said hyesung always answers the most difficult questions in the textbook but does badly at exams, a teacher found out about it and consulted the father. That shit of a father on the other hand had hyesung answer some and the poor lil hyesungkept on thinking "why did he said i was good, I'm not good" and couldnt answer it which angered the father. So yeah for some reason hyesung is keeping it low that he's smart and is now running away from his father. Poor boy looks so scared thinking that what if his father found him.
Thoughts like yeah i love the idea that hyesung got pregnant and that hipe they will show more cute and heartwarming moments like in chapter 20 but i would also like it if they dwell more on hyesungs past cause it's really interesting and i wanna hella know what my baby hyesung went thru amd curse the father.

Reaction to spoilers
I don't think the mother is dead, I think she left the two of them because the father is like "The only thing you will be good at is selling yourself, like that bitch of a mom of yours"
so I think the she left and the father is pissed.
I freakin ass just clicked on a PV with kappa thumbnail (I love kappas) and was very surprised to see them there!!!