I wish that dohyun will forgive sungho, but it doesnt mean that sungho shall get away from any punishment for kidnapping and raping dohyun.
After reading the raws, i got intuition that sungho has recovered and told the police it was his suicide attempt prior to that phone call to police station that freeing dohyun from sungho's murder charge.
From scale 1 - 10, i rated 6 that dohyun will rush to the hospital to check on sungho. Although i must admit that hes probably not in the right mind, i mean who will ever run back to the captor when the victim has the chance to flee? But that is indeed what i want dohyun to do, to face the unresolved issues and seeking closure instead of running away like last time.
That's being said, even if dohyun is able to forgive sungho, i hope that sungho will clear his conscience as well by turning himself in to the police, imo this is the only way to prove that how serious he is about his penance for what he has done to dohyun.
But i also hope that in the end, dohyun will forgive sungho and promise to wait for him till the day he got out from jail. And starting over by living together in seoul as what they always dreamt of.

I could see the ending being Dohyun visiting Sungho in prison, and them sort of coming to an understanding that they can see where things go from this point, and the audience kind of gets to decide whether or not Dohyun uses this as a way to create a permanent break, or if he and Sungho end up together in the end.

Imo I can picture that jail visiting hours - the duo face to face converse via phone with a glass standing btw them. one of many satisfying ways to end without the tragic death of either one of protagonists or both.
Perhaps an open ending for readers to decide on their own, whether the duo parted or ended up together happily ever after at seoul.. (but still i would argue the latter, it's my dream that this story should have been a story of redemption instead of tragedy as anticipated)

Anyone who read korean language, please i would be much grateful if you can spoil me a bit summary what was going on in raws 61?
I dont understand what was perplexing korean words written on a paper that makes dohyun rushed all the way back to that warehouse? Did he accidentally discover some hidden secret by sungho?

Contained super heavy spoilers! Be warned.
Anyone who knows how to read korean language. I need help please. Can u spoil me what really goin on in this chapter? I think we can understand better why did sungho wanna take revenge on dohyun in particular through this chapter once it gets translated?
Note in the last panel, dohyun was a bit baffled to find some details in the form requested for him to fill in at that ICU.
Can someone tell me what was it? Why did he react that way?

I don't speak Korean but I use Google translate on my phone and take a photo of the computer screen each time which works.
I don't think we got any reason in this chapter why Sungho wants to take revenge on Dohyun. He's just thinking about how Dohyun is the only thing he has left now.
The form was asking Dohyun stuff like the patient's blood type, history of illness etc. and he was realising he didn't know any of that. The last question was asking 'relationship to the patient' and he was thinking 'guardian...?' because he had no idea what to put down.

Thank you so much, you're my lifesaver. After their separation, it was as clear as day that sungho's been pining for dohyun. Dohyun is the only one he got, and the one who can fill his void in his heart.
Well as for dohyun, i think its never too late to learn abt him. Tbh I hope that sungho will survive again and be lovey dovey couple again just like dohyun's sweet dream. .

What im abt to broach probably would be a little far from fetch.
In chapter 36 start fr page 12 in mangago version, it seemed that someone walked into the warehouse the night when sungho was waiting for dohyun. It was quite dark, as sungho thought it was dohyun, he kissed that person at once. As far as my memory serves, dohyun was working that night and ignoring sungho's text messages.
I believe that something horrible happened to sungho, the guy raped him and worst may be, the rapist led sungho to believe that dohyun was behind all this.
It might be the reason why did sungho snapped at dohyun the next morning. Come to think of it sungho used to bottle up everything incl his emotion to appease his beloved dohyun, why would he losing it all of a sudden just bc dohyun didnt turn up in the warehouse that night, right?
Also this will make a lot of whole sense why sungho has descended into total psycho from an innocent boy we knew.
I felt there's more to unfold in upcoming chapters.

That bit was confusing but I think it's meant to be Sungho wishing that's what had actually happened. In the present just around that flashback he's thinking wistfully of 'the warehouse is the only place I can be with dohyun' and so he's been thinking about Dohyun coming to join him in the warehouse.
It could also be a dream or a hallucination but I think it's more likely to be Sungho thinking about the memory and rewriting it to give it a happy ending.
Sungho was already snapping and lashing out from the stress of being with Dohyun (that time he punched a classmate joking about condoms) so I think him being left in the warehouse overnight, exhausted and dehydrated and feeling utterly betrayed that Dohyun would just leave him, is enough for him to lash out at Dohyun.
So far the Korean chapters haven't shown any sign of there being anything more to reveal about their time together in high school, and we've only got maybe two chapters left before the end, so I don't think there's any time to reveal something so game changing.

Yeah probably you're right, there's only two more chapters left now, so it will feel like a bit rushed for further revelation
I gotta admit, dohyun was a bit immature and insensitive back then, but the method which sungho took for revenge (rape) was little outrageous. If he felt dreadful about what they did in that warehouse, he could just cut ties with dohyun, but then again, that wouldnt be him already right?
That's being said, well they obviously still love each other even after the nine years hiatus separation. I could feel whatever is in there, is still there. Call me crazy, but I still want them to be together in the end.
Do you realize that previously dohyun was a bit cranky, self centered and practically a douchebag? Under unlikely circumstance being held captive by his ex, i felt that he become more caring and compassionate as reflected in latest raws. Sungho could be the answer to the way his character evolved in the good way.
As for sungho, if he survives, i hope he'll get some psychotherapy before getting back to his loved one, dohyun. I admit that he is way too mentally unstable for a relationship.

I'm not sure Sungho really made Dohyun a kinder person. Dohyun was being a dick until very recently. But I think all the horrible things he endured broke him and as a kind of self-defence of his sanity he's pretending he's happy like he was back in high school. But I don't know how long it's going to last.
I think Dohyun's personality is a self-defence mechanism. He's been hurt and mistreated so many times that he doesn't let anyone in, and he treats relationships in a shallow way and just enjoys the hedonistic aspects of life without caring about others. If he doesn't give a shit about anything he can't be hurt be anything, right?
I think there are better ways to help him care and be compassionate. And one of those would be giving him unconditional love and assurance that he's not going to be abandoned. It would take a long time for him to trust that but I think it could happen. And Sungho could have provided that if he wasn't so mentally unstable. I agree, Sungho definitely needs some help before going back to Dohyun. And Dohyun probably needs some time apart too.

What you have suggested here is the best ending and satisfying yet. Sungho enrol himself willingly to mental hospital, Dohyun has a decent job and continues to make living. After sungho fully recovers and discharged from the mental hospital, he reaches out to dohyun again, this time no abduction involves, but die trying to win dohyun's heart back. Yeah, Fingers crossed!

https://youtu.be/fIkZOLsnoqY my ost for this chapter 57 of warehouse!
Just read chapter 57 released today in korean raws. Tbh, it was such a huge surprise to see the way the story progressed. I gotta say it was full with substance and very touching. I was thinking bts' jin song - epiphany as i read thru the panels. Sungho was here and still breathing , well at least virtually. Thank you killer whale you're such talented yaoi author.

Im really obsessed with this psychological and thrilling yaoi story but i think it's been awhile for the update, btw the raws has already reached 50 chapters right?
Well everyone here's already talked abt spoilers, tbh i start to feel like im bit out of the loop. I wud be much grateful if anyone can drop me the link to raws? Tqvm.
I love this manga very much. Thanks for the uploads i really really appreciate that