A simple case of "making a mountain out of a molehill." I really don't get the problem here, of why they weren't together before. Seems they like each other forever. Other than being mental, the two lead characters really need their butts kicked. I like the manager better, he's much more straight (LOL) forward with his intentions.

Lots of sex, possessive seme, honest uke... I should be happy but for some reason, I'm not. The story didn't sit well with me. If someone treats me like that guy from the first story and I would probably end up ripping their guts out and strangling them with it, love or no. I would be sorry afterwards of course. And the second story, police officer my ass! Sleeping with a client because they are important and you don't have your superior there with you to ask for advice whether to do it or not, just does not compute! And to do it again because you're ordered to do so, well what're you? A spy? The uke characters don't have any characters at all nor pride. I was reading this and I just want to beat up someone. Oh well, I guess I don't have a submissive bone in my body. This story will probably appeal to those who likes to be dominated.

I agree with you about first story's same treating his uke wrongly and about second story's uke mixing job and sex. But I think first story's uke was rather unique. He first gave up his body for the sake of his company and many employees under it. He then decided to use his body to seduce seme when he misunderstood seme is in love with his younger brother. He made the decisions himself and was very clear about what he wants and doesn't want.He doesn't give up easily and tried to gain connection with seme's rival to gain revenge but later refused the rival's affection for him because he found out his feelings for seme.
For the second story, I rather like the prince's character because he had many experiences about sex but he is a virgin at love. He still has a heart of a child and this is his first love so I'm kind of rooting him for it. I hope uke will realize the prince who is devoted to him is better than his superior who sold him for money.
All in all,this is a Taoist story so, of course, the plot won't be realistic. We just have to compromise with what we have XD

Denial to the max. They both have feelings for each other but still have other partners on the side. Uke tried to get the seme to get serious/jealous by inventing a serious relationship with some other guy, and a year later when they met, seme did the same (but with a girl). Uke didn't like it and so both ended having sex. At the end both was texting their respective partner alibis. In other words, their back to square one. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

the uke did'nt invent a serious relationship with some other guy (the messages at the end)
The story is OK but Hiyori cries so much, I want to put her out of her misery, for her sake. The rest of the gang are great. I guess I just like a kick-ass character. But I wonder, some Japanese girls truly like this? I kinda find this kind of behavior unbelievable unless you're a six year old kid.
I agree
At this point what makes Hiyorin seem like 6 year old is her personality more than her height >_> Besides being super shy and kinda a crybaby, she's soooo oblivious to other people's feelings. She drives me crazy sometimes!
That must be because in reality this is shota, way to catch on to that guys. Drawing a kid and then saying 'but but actually she's 15' doesn't make it not shota.
Like if I draw a manga about a dog being raped but I say 'but actually it's a human' it's still bestiality, like that's just how it works.
................i mean it's a shoujo manga—it's not porn.
Shota/loli implies erotic tones— but there's been like one kiss in 12 volumes. Anyway, Hiyorin is immature (and super annoying) in the way that most shoujo manga heroines are, because she's meant to be relatable to the 12 y/o girls who read it.
Hiyorin doesn't look that young—she may be short af, but her face looks as mature as her classmates. Even if you think she does, raping a fucking dog and a girl getting kissed once is not comparable—especially when the majority people reading the series are young girls :|
this, in reality, is offensive. I'm a girl who is always being mistaken for someone younger due to my height, and I had always been insecure due to this problem. However, I have learned to deal with it and moved on from this insecurity, but saying that this is shota is like saying that we short girls have some stupid fetish. I enjoy this manga a lot due to the fact that I can relate to it, and I highly disapprove of your comment.
Shota..... as in little boy...... I was not aware that Hiyori's a boy