Why some ppl still enter to read manga with agst abusive weird character, non usually human story, bad character, etc...who make them discomfort eventhough in the first page the scanlator already warning them....and then complain about it,ofc i understand they just want to write they opinion like me do and i trying to ignore it but still....cant...still wonder why them keep hurting themself and complain about it ...

YEAAAAAH! hahaha like they always complaining of the plot etc. But they still keep on reading every update of it. I know I FVCKING KNOW that rapes and etc. Is crime and so on and thats why authors and every translators always giving the tags and warning 18+ etc. Am I wrong? I know its not a good thing about those kind of plots but why keep reading if its makes you uncomfortable? Im sorry for if I took it out here on your post HAHAHA

uhm, the rape thing u just said is kinda problematic,, ppl "complain" abt those type of things because it's straight up problematic and should NEVER EVER be romanticised,, i know "it's just fiction" but when people are so used or exposed to these typa stuff, they think it's normal,, and, isnt it creepy? a straight cis woman writing and illustrating a man being raped by another man and then they end up together?? idk but it's so fucking weird

Thats why I'm saying . What's the purpose of warnings? Why keep reading and complain if you already saw that it has abusive, rape etc. I'm a woman too of course rapes should be not normalized! No one wants that. But its not like when I read a manga/hua/hwa that has rapes etc. It means I want that to happen.

It is okay to compared manga with real life thing??? I mean im someone who always think "this is just manga, everything can be happen even some mc can have unlimited harem" . So i dont mind with the genre i read as long as i like the story. But i dont think ppl like that...
I mean ppl saying that thing is nasty or impossible that thing to be happen in some manga i just think ..
"but it cant be helped since this is just manga. I always think like that "
....i am wrong or what???

This is bl manga. Its about english tutor and student relationship. The teacher kinda weird...i think..he cant speak japan fluently since he's foreigner..and the student want to learn english so he can speak with his grandma ...they end up liking each other (?)
And i forget the rest of story lolol...please help me if u know this story and sorry for my bad english..i tried my best:"
Pusing anying
Kalo lu baca manga lu samain sama dunia nyata lha kagak bakal nyambung lah sat, udah tau itu komik isinya halu imajinasi si author trus lu samain sama dunia nyata...yakali dunia nyata ada cowo mati ketabrak angkot bangung" diharemin tetek gede yang sangean..ada?? Kagak kan bangsat...bedain anying dunia nyata sama dunia halu, dah gede kan? Kalo masih kecil ya jangan baca manga adult goblok trus lu syok lu nge blame author nya buat manga terlalu adult dkk...cape gue bangsatttt mau nyari temen di komen yang sama" demen biar asyik bareng, malah nemu orang yang ngasih nasehat dkk macem orang komen ayat suci di pornhub arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Kalo lu mau nyari komik berkualititit ya bayarlahh goblok cari web yg legal..udah tau ni web isinya macem-macem pemakan segala lu blame in kualiti komik terlalu ini itu ngentod...lu kira semua author dibayar sama bisa ngehasilin cerita dan gambar yang selalu berkualitas?? Engga kann?? Enggaaaaaaa
Wkwkwkwkk, angkot ga tuh
Tapi setuju bet, kadang kl liat org ad yang kyk oh ini dia masa begini g moral, ah udh berhenti baca gw. Dalam hati gw cuma bilang jirrr itu namanya juga fiksi, orang mah g bakalan bawa ke dunia nyata g ush banyak komplen
Nah kan iya, kasian warning umur dkk ga dibaca, gaguna atuh...kalo emang gasuka juga ngapain lanjut baca trus komplen apalagi sampe ngatain yg demen itu gada moralnya:")