I'm kinda annoyed by this heroine, she really needs to acknowledge her current circumstance, where building endurance to poisoning was essential for survival, and even if it may be painful now, it will definitely be beneficial in the future, where it can be used against him. Her babying him will only make him more vulnerable to any occurrences where his life can be at risk. However I can't really blame her since she was born into a more civilised society were this kind of education would have been seen as 'barbaric', so I guess she'll need to find out the hard way. And if I was in her position I'd definitely be more aware of my situation, she acts too weak and exposed, and that will definitely put her in a difficult position, where she can be put to shame. She needs to know how to put on a braver face in any situation, and not just when it's controlled by her emotions, especially when she has such an influential standing in nobility, where people such as the prime minister will constantly be plotting to bring her family down... but honestly whatever ╮(⌒▽⌒)╭

I am utterly repulsed by bugs, and trust me I'd love to be in the presence of a bug and not want to curl up in a ball and wish for it to disappear, but it's just one of those things I can't change, so I was a bit squeamish while reading this manga. But I'm not saying that I have just suddenly began to sympathise with bugs thanks to reading this. However, I'll definitely try to approach them whilst being more considerate of their situation, like with bees for example.
Also is it just me or is Kiji fucking terrifying with how he conducts himself, like with his encounter with Ogeha, he was just like 'What's this disgusting shit... might as well take it home I guess.' Like you'd expect a more human reaction like 'Where is the nearest bottle of bleach so I can blind myself of this disgusting creature, this shit is honestly gonna haunt me'', followed promptly by a scream (at least that would be my reaction). And also just the aggressive of how he pokes the pod when releasing her just seems so out of place. Frankly I was very surprised at the somewhat happy ending, I feel like a more appropriate ending would be of Ohega dying pitifully, and Kiji not even acknowledging it, whilst burying her in a nearby park.
This is so strange... I LOVE IT!!!ヽ(`Д´)ノ