It's weird enough that the older man did it with the younger guy after he just told him he turned 18, now that I know he friking adopted him in the future chapter THIS IS JUST HELLA WEIRD. Sure, some of you who will down voted this will be like "ohh it's not that bad and the story is cute anyway~" you cannot justify his actions. He's an adult and a lawyer, he should know better.

Save your time, I thought it's just a nice story before I started but nahhhhh the older man knew before hand that the minor got feelings for him, and when the younger guy acted on it (basically pushing him down on bed and ripping his shirt off) he said no but the moment he heard he just turned 18 few hours ago it's suddenly a green light and proceeded to fuck☠

Idk just a theory but since in this plot dragons are spring up from the earth and Hyo-un already has a form of a dragon (before the river died) we can see that he is in his adult form of a dragon not a tiny baby one but he failed to stay in his form but later on changed to a human child cuz that is the first thing he saw. And base from what I KNOW dragons age are doubled than us human so probably if a child is around 1 years old then a dragon is probably a 5 years old if it's still a child. So if we're calling this plot now a Pedo then might as well call the modern day of em one since Hyo-un is SURELY an oldman. Aniways just a theory the hell i know
Also it's not grooming or pedo since ther wasn't any intent of Hyo-un being raised with anything sexual, it was him who keep pursuing Tae(clearly tae was uncomfy with it)

Whoever said its grooming have no idea what it means and only uses it cause they can. Grooming and pedo is with intention by the predator. In this case, taehyuk sees hyo-un as a child, a kid, a son he practically raised. Its hyo-un giving advances and its taehyuk who ignores him. How is that grooming? How is that pedo?
Also, hyo un is shown as a fucking adult bigger than any real man combined, who the fck is a kid?

The author made me just question the hell they thinking about like mah boi is forced to do it but they wrote next that jaekyung must be feeling much worse(?????????) tf the abuse here is getting brushed off really quick lmfaoo
"It's not like it's all bad." idk something along those line just really made my braincell jump off.
Wtf was that? I thought it was a satire look for Idol on what they imagine what "perfect" they look should be and got me confused since when did this manhwa needed tits
So truee, it reminds me of gakuen handsome