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Cookie9696's message board ( All 9 )

Nutty January 1, 2021 6:24 am

Hello, your post was deleted before i could answer you.

I'm not sure what happened but you do sound unbalanced. If you were not some sort of nut case you wouldn't throw personal insults in a public chat dedicated to sharing your thoughts about a manga. We're all here to enjoy our reading and socialize. Not write random insulting messages. Most people ignore trolls or other people who annoyed them. But you're obviously obsessed and so out of your mind you've forgone basic social niceties. Nobody care about your feud and you're just wasting everyone's time.

My advice to you. Get help, the mental health kind of help.

Eltomo January 1, 2021 7:07 am

Says the account jist made recently to message me then proceeds to insult me then blocked me.

Theres something to call you actually. An insufferable know it all.

You're the one wasting my time. My message isnt for you, why would you read it unless ofcourse youre that person who kept sending me messages and insulting me then blocking me. Im replying in the same place she initially ostracized me so what about it? If theres anyone who needs help its you and her. Im just minding my goddamn business here and i get insulted and try to fight back but this is what i get?  My mental health has nothing to do with you, if theres anything you can do is try to ask before you ignorantly presume things you dont know.

I dont care what you think of me, you should better think of yourself first assuming things you dont know. Ive been active in this community minding my own stuff yet you tell me im crazy cos i just made the post out of no reason? Some faultless creature you presume you are.

Nutty January 1, 2021 7:20 am
Says the account jist made recently to message me then proceeds to insult me then blocked me. Theres something to call you actually. An insufferable know it all. You're the one wasting my time. My message isnt ... Eltomo

Yes.. I see. As forementioned: get help.

I'm not even bothering to read that.
Your first 2 sentences make as much senses as a dog barking at any passersby.

May 2021 bring you lucidity nutty lady.

Cookie9696 December 31, 2020 2:12 pm

You're free to warn everyone, maybe itll help you get my attention more. ヾ(*'▽'*). My pitiful attention whore~

Cookie9696 December 31, 2020 2:10 pm

awwwww, crazy to stalk someone and bombard people with insults then blocking to not reply? I aint the one seeking attention. XD maybe you should join the cult maybe, if your family or friends arent giving you enough attention. Cult of those in need if attention. You clearly need it. ☆ ~('▽^人)

Lilly_Onee-chan December 31, 2020 1:57 am

Btw, thks for proving my point!
Your crazy is showing LMAO

Lilly_Onee-chan December 31, 2020 1:56 am

Bahahah just giving people a fair warning about you, you psycho bitch ( ˘ ³˘)

Cookie9696 December 30, 2020 8:09 pm

Or maybe your mom doesnt love you, or maybe your dad. Wait like do you even have parents? Seems like you seek my attention cos you dont have enough of it? Aww dont worry, my message box is open anytime you feel like wanting me to reply. :3

Cookie9696 December 30, 2020 8:01 pm

Too scared for replies so you block? Need my attention too much eh? Wont block you yet. Its fun seeing how desperate you are for my attention. XD i should just call you attention whore. Dont worry, i do have multiple accounts from each of my gadget, laptop, desktop, tablet and my 3 phones if you wanna know. If you want, i can let you stalk them too? XD

Cookie9696 December 30, 2020 7:59 pm

Aww pussy

Lilly_Onee-chan December 30, 2020 6:09 pm

Oooh crazy bitch's main account