very very cute and funny eheh,, (I don't know why the 5th chapter is about other people tho,, i don't care about them bro- wanted more of the mains)
forced myself to finish this cause I wanted to know if they'd have a nice development and talk about all the forced sex and how that's not okay,, but nope. it just kept happening till the end. the blond one was cute tho,,,, (also,, do these authors even know switch people exist??)
BTW. if you want to make a fucked up story, that's totally fine ! just stop brushing it off with "it's love" cause it's not.
this is an example of too much on a plate. there are too many story points that just appear out of nowhere just to never be explained afterwards. even though they eventually became quite a cute "couple"(?), their story was muddy and confusing.
a lot of potential that ended up not being used. also, the fact that they don't care how the fox feels and haven't even given him a name like,, okay.
this was so nice. and the fact it was better developed than the story with the fox, made me enjoy reading it.
(it was also interesting how different his wolf possession and the fox possession of akiha were.)
this was surprisingly SO GOOD. and the ending drawing of them sleeping together in their true forms really made me feel things aaaah. so good.
everything from the characters to the whole story, felt so real. this was so good. would love for it to have some extras too ngl,,
much better than I thought it would be. would have loved to see more, especially with them dating, since all they need to get healthier with time and to keep trying, (especially since one of the characters has something like antisocial personality disorder (which I find, is a nice change of pace, for an explanation for why he does what he does). STILL. I think it's a story that deserves/needs to be more explored.
this is a gem I'm always happy to reread. perfect comedy with amazing characters and relationships. I love them. I love the show. I just care about them so much waaah-
no. why is he, as a 39 years old man, going out with a 16/17 teen. like. no. and all the ways he described how he viewed the younger one as a kid but still had sex with him like. stop. stop romanticizing everything. if they really were infatuated with each other, and wanted to be together, they could have waited to start on the physical part. like. no.
I'm giving it one more star than it probably should just cause I really liked the older guy's background! like. I wasn't expecting it at all. but also. why would he be working in a school as an ex-convict especially a rapist? even if he was falsely accused, no one actually knew that so, wtf.
just to add. I enjoy fucked up stories too. but not when they try to pass it as "love" and "healthy" and so on like- who are you trying to fool here??
I don't know why the author didn't expand on the fact they literally said they wanted to be a girl. if they viewed liking girly stuff with being a girl and started to accept and like who they are, is one thing. if they're actually a girl, is another. gender is a spectrum of course,, but I find it a bit silly (and even close minded somehow) how these questions are not brought up by the main character. (just for context, I'm a trans guy :).
despite all that, I think it was extremely adorable,, so I don't want to give it a bad score,,
had such an interesting premise, lots of potential and a super charismatic character (asuka, the tiger),, but as many people already said in the comments, there were quite a few things that just fell flat, rushed and not really thought through,,, which is really such a shame,,
I believe the author should just remake this story and make it better. it's not too late c'mon.
I've lost count of how many times I read this waiting for new chapters,, it's so good. it fills me up with so much fluff, I really didn't want it to end. honestly, hope the author decides to give them one more volume. just one. please.
also. granny's part of the story always hits like a truck. I like it so much.
THIS WAS SO UNEXPECTEDLY GOOD!?? especially with a first chapter like that. I really thought it would be trash. but he grew and the way they tackle everything that happens that so many (too many) other mangas just love to gloss over. and their relationship? so fun! so messy! I like them.
this was so good !(even though it's such a fast paced story) loved getting to discover things along with the characters, instead of just being told right from the start. sad it's over before they get to actually date as their true selves (or better, after the reveal) //would have loved to see him get troubled on of how to act afterwards and stuff like that,,, but good things always end too fast.
this was actually extremely cute and good. I'm just sad it's over since there's so much damn potential for more.
felt like this should have been longer. we could have seen more tension between them before getting together, and how they deal with it afterwards, etc. it's pretty good but it could be so much better,, such a shame.
also,, hope there's at least one more volume cause there's a lot of plot points that didn't get picked up again and I felt weird about it. like, the single mom, the "radical" brother, the "friends", and the girl who asked for a chance...
on the whole it's so damn pure and beautiful (but still,, just need to put it out there,, he shouldn't have kissed the man when he thought he was sleeping tch tch tch)
this is one is like the it's so bad it's good ahshdj. stalker x stalker works because they're both freaks