is it just me or like the way they portrayed their intimate moment isnt really intimate at all? it just feels like wow sex there you go, i dont sense their desire, want, even romance from it. its just sex? im not sure how to describe it properly but i am just a tad bit disappointed.
there’s a lot of close ups too, the way its composed is meh imo, wording/dialogue doesn’t hit the way ig theyre trying to portray the moment? even then i just dont feel it
im not hating tbh i just feel like i expected more outta that but anyways

yeah i think the artist really like the flat expression on the ML, but while i think its good to have cool MC, im kinda hoping he would lose his compose, i meant he want the cookie so bad, i expect him to lose breath, face flushed and maybe loser grin even tho maybe that looks opposite of what he usually do, i think it will add the charm, i didnt expect he looks (._.) all the time

i tried looking real hard and there's only like 2 moments when he loses it a bit but even at that he's straight face, but his body blushes. he does show his consideration for her by going by her pace, so i think he just doesn't express on his face but shows through body language. i do feel like if that's the case the artist should show it more... lollll

oh ure right, i think if he express the eagerness it would be sexy and cute, like when she ask him to stop moving, he could shower her with kisses and matching their breath, and even begging her permission if he can put it deeper. i guess you can translate it that he also as clueless and not experienced bcs last time its hinted that hes a virgin too

uh ngl i agree with the other comments. they were very nonchalant esp the male lead. if you haven’t read it then read it pls so u understand the context. even if she is yet to understand her feelings the dialogue is so dry it doesnt invoke any emotion plus i expected more from the male lead, he was prolly the most nonchalant character i’ve seen so far in terms of sex scenes esp for a guy who’s supposed to be obsessed with the FL like bro cmon he showed more emotion when that part of the chap where she accidentally gave him lingerie she bought instead of the gift

no cause the fact some ppl are upset at the fls “indecisiveness” on whether she likes him or not like ofc she’s confused and is still grieving at the sudden end of her long term relationship with her ex which mind you is a lot harder to forget when it isnt a clean cut.
it affected her mentally and how she views relationships as a whole and still reminisces at her past. which there is nothing wrong with it. now before yall say she had years she shouldve been over it. she “has” she doesnt let it affect her as a whole and her daily life but it is something that hasn’t been forgotten in her heart.
personally i like how its potrayed and its quite realistic on how it affected ones life— not entirely but shifted ones viewpoint on one aspect of life ykwim.
yall just giving the ml a pass because he’s hot or wtv.
obv she’s confused herself whether she should— shes conscious of the age gap, has the subconscious guilt of her moving on from her past relationship and not to mention she just met this man!??!? LIKE HELLO☠
yall give a pass cause yall see the mls pov of how he fell for her but obv she cant see that pov smh also lowk creepy and stalking but then again this is drawing the lines of grey fiction stories which totally understandable but mehhh anyways.
ill still be reading it cause i wanna see the drama thats lowk brewing

i hope miss girl actually follows through and im glad shes taking the revenge route rather than the im running away which is still a good option but its good to have a taste of his own medicine
but something im so disappointed ab is the constant flashbacks like can we have like a full on flashback where we see their thoughts and what they genuinely think— like ik itll drag it but i specifically want where she killed herself n he found out, and when he rejected her as such ykyk
i just feel like itll build up on the emotional factor of everything ofc it can just be her pov and how she got treated as such
i wanna see his pov tho so badly but ik they wouldnt bc its all a built up of his story as to why he became that way or sumn
literally so confused and the pacing is insane ☠
but i fw it.
how did we go from highschool bullying to transcendal power system to time travelling dawg