Hahahaha.. Babe, u tried so hard not to get interrupt during smoochie time but does it really help when the door is see through glass?
Omg.. So cute.. Love the chap pic with them n the cake.. Gyaah... I want Selphi to hurry and find out that his wish came truemaybe he could like peek through that dagger locked glass door..

Spend good few minutes in the awkward silence panel when parents caught their children smooching.. Hahahha

Wow.. So weird.. Definitely remembered my title being
And after the above comments follows me talking bout Phineas adorableness and beautifully gorgeous smile and laughter..
And how the mother face expression was maybe her thinking
"Has she ever seen/has he ever smile and laugh so genuinely blissful as he did now?"
But suddenly it is ommited to the first 2 line I wrote only.. Scarry

What about Taeju and Dojin's wedding?? Wanna see that too.. And their double dates.. And Taeju buddying with Beom while on one of their double dates and Dowoon getting nervous of what else might be said, and Dojin being sulky and have angry seggs again because that's Taeju goal while also bullying Dowon (his brother in law) because Taeju is a prankster and like to mess with them.. Hahahaha..
I think this would be cute too..

Kyahhhh.. Finally... Moments of truth.. When the Blonde s finds out bout our precious being abused in his house and they gonna support baby bear
Idk.. I read soooo many times to make sense of Karhan's mother.. But i just can't.. So the real psycho always makes it seems like his psycho gifts were from Karhan and the flowers/precious gifts from Karhan as his(psycho) presents to mother... Yet somehowww.. Mother never think to ask Karhan why Karhan give her dead animals etc.. So Karhan can refute and tell the truth.. So mother can have doubt.. And use brain to investigate truth instead of believing psycho one sidedly.. Like.. The heck..

Come on man.. I'm rooting for u Ciel.. Can u please use ur thinking skill.. Or sit on ur thinking chair.. U r a duke.. Think... What psycho act u might did that might put off ur wife?.. U can do it.. U r a duke.. One that is looked up to instead just a useless one.. U have enough brain power to work on it.. Babe.. Please.. Is there no spoiler for how he get through this.. Omg.. Im stressed
Henwyy is soo kawaii... Dominique and Mel are sibling/family goals... Soo cute love it for them..
Lol, Sheria shameful deduction by putting Mel in the same level of her, doing corruption to get wizards on her side is gving me 2ndhand embarrassment. Hahaha.. When in fact Mel didn't take advantage of Magic Tower Master absent but he himself is aiding her.. Idk how she will react if she knew that Isaac is smitten by Mel