sleeplessmania March 14, 2025 7:30 am


sleeplessmania January 26, 2025 1:10 am

My guy is so sweet.

sleeplessmania January 21, 2025 9:18 am

And he always said, to never trust any man who: refuses to explain himself or listen in return, lies to get what he wants, can't follow through with his actions, or doesn't believe in humility.

A man who's faults lie in even one of those things above should not be trusted under any circumstances. It's not a matter of if he'll hurt or neglect you, it's 'when' and 'how much' because it's inevitable.

(And ,really, you should be doing this for all people, but my dad stressed the fact that these men have been able to KILL and ABUSE women and get away with it.)

sleeplessmania January 18, 2025 11:25 am

I think it conveys a lot more emotion than the previous one.

    Yohi January 12, 2025 4:49 am


sleeplessmania December 5, 2024 3:11 am

MC is no longer as appealing / (maybe) clever as he once was. I'm skiming through the chapters at this point (ch 69) in hopes of anything really,truly interesting happening and its just not.

sleeplessmania December 4, 2024 9:25 am


sleeplessmania December 3, 2024 3:24 am

1. The world building is shakes. Started off okay,but it's getting worse because MC is feeding us information and "discoveries," she's made in an unsatisfactory manner.

2. Are they cursed or not!? 50/50 chance author will remember that They're supposed to be super intimidating to regular people (see: CP after a while, redhead, maids,etc).

3. "She's just smart!" Is she though??? Like, she can be a bit clever but she she doesn't do anything with good reason,just past knowledge (which COULD'VE AND SHOULD'VE changed at this point!). She doesn't explain herself very well,and when she does it's with knowledge that she clearly isn't supposed to have/ be able to pick up yet. Sir,why are you just letting this child participate in criminal-catching?

4. Baby talk other no baby talk,? Make up your mind.

5. Why did they need a daughter for a month? Haven't found the reason yet. This+ the fact that no one's actually charming. It's very forced.

I've spoiled nothing ,but what I AM going to spoil is this: it sucks.

sleeplessmania November 27, 2024 12:33 am

I've read a lot. SFW, NSFW, toxic relationships, plain Noncon and dubcon. Psycho plots, yandere, etc. Ya know what they all have in common, regardless? THEY'RE AT LEAST CHARASMATIC! ATTRACTIVE IN THEIR INTIAL INTERACRIONS WITH THE UKE! INTELLIGENT! SOMETHING! This guy!? NONE OF THAT!

sleeplessmania November 15, 2024 4:44 am

Tons of stories go into a noble setting (it's a fantasy) ,but goddamn does it get weird whenever they try to justify a caste or noble system with " modern or IRL "logic." Like. No. Please. Shut up.

Let me enjoy myself for a bit without rioting over these types of issues. It makes me want to to fight everyone involved.

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