sHipTeaSe ughdjh gjsghksghis sttOOpp
This comment is a reenactment of how much I was giggling like a bitch when I saw that comic.
This hasn't been updated in a year... but I'm not complaining!
Wow what a lovely and informative chapter to let us know what this story is about and who our characters are
this is sarcasm
little did they know.. that their relationship will only escalATE AT RAPID SPEEDS from here.thank you for existing, cohabitation tropes
Lol (▰˘◡˘▰)
YES!!! Update!! I'm so happy ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ thank you so much uploader!
Alry is my spirit animal istfg. What an absolute legend. Go cause some drama ya little pupper.
oKay this looks hecka cute so far. I'm excited to see more buahahah
This is so cute and sweet acK. I cant wait for their kiss!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
cOrona kun making me more depressed wtF
YESS!!! We got an update!!
sHipTeaSe ughdjh gjsghksghis sttOOpp
This comment is a reenactment of how much I was giggling like a bitch when I saw that comic.