Prixzy03 August 6, 2020 8:46 am

I keep coming to this manga when I feel lonely, sad and hopeless. This kind of manga is the type to hold your heart and fix it. I love everything about it, specially the chat that Yutaka had with Otousan.

“I think that... loving someone is also about carrying the pain of losing them”.
“It is okay. Yutaka-kun is not alone. Thank you for becoming friends with Minoru and Tane. And when it’s time to part, let’s suffer together from the pain”.

Omg I’m crying again lol, anyways I love everything about this author, his/her stories are so soft and beautiful, they warm my soul. I think we all as humans beings deserve something like this. The happiness after the pain, the healing and the warmest. People supporting us and staying by our side, knowing nothing about the tomorrow but enjoying the present and accepting the past. I hope we all, if we are in pain, can find the happiness and the person that it’s for us someday. We deserve a great life. We deserve to be happy.

Prixzy03 April 10, 2020 11:13 pm

I just can’t help but to remember Banana Fish with this. El dolor que Kei guarda desde su infancia, al igual que Ash, es lo único que él ha logrado sentir y lo único que la gente a su alrededor le ha dado, incluso de parte de su familia. Siempre ha hecho lo que se le ha indicado, siempre se ha comportado como la gente ha querido que fuera, siempre ha aceptado lo que la gente quisiera hacerle. Por lo que al final de cuentas su vida era controlada por todo y todos, su persona, sus sentimientos y pensamientos, pero no por él. Él no podía hacer nada. Su salud mental está destrozada, su alma y cuerpo también. Even if Yutaka can give him some happiness, he can’t help him. Not at all. But I strongly believe that loving him is a really big important thing in Kei’s life, for his sake and mental stability. He needs love. Healthy love. And Yutaka can do that. But Kei is the one who has to take that and make it work, for him. If he can’t do that, nobody can.
Even if it hurts, I’m still in love with this kind of stories. It’s sad and disgusting, to know that child abuse happens in real life, that maybe right now a kid is getting beaten up, or hurt, and we are here living our life and reading this like nothing. It really make me question a lot about my life and how fucked up this world is. But to some getting help and being loved, like Kei with Yutaka and Ash with Eiji it’s something that give me a lots of hope. Banana Fish made me cry like a bitch, like really bad. And even if the ending was something that we didn’t expect (and love at all) we got to know that sometimes people try, but they’re tired. And it’s okay if they’re. They’ve been fighting all their lives. And find someone for them it’s something that doesn’t cross their minds. But when it happens, they feel like their life it’s starting to make sense. To have a value. That’s why we always need to help, to make someone laugh, to encourage them, to make them feel good. We don’t know what the other person it’s going through. I really wish for Kei’s happiness and for him to never give up. Life is like a boxing ring, the more we get beating up the more we have to fight back, and even if we fall we have to stand up, no matter the tiredness, the pain in the chest or the sweat and blood, the fight is still going on.

Prixzy03 March 30, 2020 11:50 am

Ok but honestly, I don’t even know what to say. It’s not the fact that there are more people dying even though everything it’s over (or we think that it’s over), but the fact that, in this little moment of “peace” and relieving, everything hit like a fucking rock. And I don’t know how to explain it but in the moment of the battles we couldn’t stop a moment to think about the characters dead’s because we were really into the fight. But now that everything it’s over, this little thought of everyone who gave their life just came to me. Thinking about all the lives that are not there anymore. About the people who could still be there, living and crying of happiness for their pain to already be ended but they ended their pain giving their lives in exchange. And omg I don’t even know what I’m saying right now, I’m taking this too deep, I need to sleep.

Prixzy03 January 28, 2020 12:34 am

I honestly think that I won’t be able to handle another death. This arc sure is the most fucked up and depressed one but I can’t get away from it without knowing what is going to happen next. I really want them all to live ╥﹏╥

Prixzy03 January 1, 2020 2:38 pm

the first thought that cross my mind the moment I saw them interact was “omfg they’re like an older version of He Tian and Mo” and now

im in love

    fujoshidoll January 11, 2020 12:07 pm


    HARU.SAN February 18, 2020 7:24 pm

    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I get your point. IT'S SOOO RIGHT.

    Ishika March 14, 2020 7:35 pm

    Oh shit

Prixzy03 December 29, 2019 10:48 am

i was reading the sinopsis anD I REALLY MISREAD THE NAME FOR HINATA SHOYO and i immediately thought “so you’re a rainbow boy now” but then i read the name correctly and now i feel dumb

hello god it’s me again

Prixzy03 August 24, 2019 10:36 pm

I don’t know why but Old Xian has been feeding us really well this month and I can’t be more happier but worried at the same time cause I don’t want him to overworked himself, anyways I’m just so blessed with all this beautiful art and plot. Long life to Old Xian and 19 days. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    ANONYMOUS August 24, 2019 11:08 pm

    Idk if by "him" you meant Old Xian are not but if so Old Xian is not a man, the author is a girl. A few people thought Old Xian is a man because of her character in mosspaca but yeah!

    Prixzy03 August 24, 2019 11:18 pm
    Idk if by "him" you meant Old Xian are not but if so Old Xian is not a man, the author is a girl. A few people thought Old Xian is a man because of her character in mosspaca but yeah! ANONYMOUS

    I know she’s a woman, but one time I read that she felt more comfortable with the pronoun “he” so it just became an habit called her like that jaja sorry if I’m wrong

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