Lmao Siwoo thinks Byul is so pretty it has him panicking

Southern Fujoshi created a topic of Gachiakuta

Cannot wait for this to be animated. Counting on Bones not to fumble it

Southern Fujoshi created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

I feel like Gege is trying to fit too much information into such a small space.

Southern Fujoshi created a topic of Payback

Wacko really about to live up to his name

Southern Fujoshi created a topic of Work Love Balance

Ehhhh. This kind of gave me the ick tho

I feel like this is the first time they have ever said the seme's actual first name lmao

The only reason why I am here is bc i saw pictures of Mei. Man is stunning.

Sega and Tashiro got too much sexual tension for that not to be intentional. I was seriously thinking Sega was going to start liking Tashiro instead. Which probably would have been more interesting than it just staying the normal "2 ppl like the same person"

Southern Fujoshi created a topic of The Foul

I don't particularly enjoy the r*pe troupe but I get that it happens a lot in BL but I will be very disappointed if this doesn't diverge from cannon. This is too good for that weak plot point.

Southern Fujoshi created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

I just...hate this manga so much.

Southern Fujoshi created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

As much as I want to rejoice, I don't trust Gege.

Southern Fujoshi created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

Oof, this has Demon Slayer syndrome all over it. It got too popular and freaked the artist out so now they are writing like shit.

It's boring when you keep expecting ppl to die and they do. It's crap writing. I love Choso but I feel absolutely nothing at him dying. Earlier deaths like Junpei and Nanami killed me, they were written so well! Gege is better than this garbage he has going now.

The audible gasp I let out when I figured out Eunjae and San were reincarnations of Eun-eon and Hoseung. Makes sense with how Geumsun treats them all.

Southern Fujoshi created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

Gege: /kills off all his characters/
Also Gege: Why do my readers hate me?

I didn't come here to cry! And has this been dropped? That couldn't be the ending!