I'm a Gemini so I'd be a beta. I neither possess the dominate characteristics of an typical alpha nor the timid/submissive qualities of a typical omega so yeah... definitely could see me being a beta.
And because I'd be a beta I don't think I'd really do anything. I feel like my life wouldn't really change much given my status, that I'm not comple...... 1 reply
Hahahaha I feel like Boku no Pico is like a rite of passage for anime fans, and more so for yaoi/shounen-ai fans. I saw it once years ago and I haven't seen it since. However, there's a lot in Boku no Pico that you can NEVER unsee/unhear...
I feel like your reaction basically sums up everyone's opinion of it... reply
Lawlz how about every waking minute I'm not doing something else more productive. Okay that's a lie... I'm reading even during times I SHOULD be doing something more productive, like actually listening in class.
I too kinda face my phone inward and even dim the backlight to the lowest setting and even still I'm hella paranoid. And what's worse is...... 2 reply