Okay here’s a summary of what I think this story is about. Jitae and his step brother both have same dad. Step mom is currently managing their big company probably because the dad died earlier and gramps let step mom manage it until Jitae the legitimate heir take the rights. Step Mom probably paid Mieum dad to kidnap Jitae. MC dad maybe is their family driver or an employee working for ML’s family before everything went downhill. Maybe MC dad caused the death of ML parents?? That’s why MC said “maybe you are also hurting when you look at me” to ML. Anyway MC dad kidnapped ML but he was wearing Go Hajoon’s name plate. Probably to trick the kidnapper that he wasn’t Jitae. When kidnapper saw it he was about to smash ML’s head with bottle but MC protected ML that’s why MC had a scar on his neck. Elder step brother and Hajoon probably are childhood friends together with ML. And there’s subtle hints here and there that elder step brother is only trying to trick his mother in making it seem like step bro doesn’t like ML. But secretly he’s indulging ML and trying to cover up for ML in everything (even Go Hajoon said so right?) Even arranging Mieum by Jitae’s side. Step bro is like the anti-hero of the story. This is how I feel about him. But in the end Jitae doesn’t trust anyone.