You all have nice memories... ; v ; I was all in fluffy soft yaois and then stumbled upon a gore, hardcore one with extra detailed images. At that time I was so scared it put me off reading yaoi 1 whole month. But now rereading that doujin I find all the gore details sexy haha...
2017-03-29 08:26 marked
Omg! I thought I was the only one! Whenever I read yaoi I get major penis envy. I keep thinking it would be nice to grow a dick and be a seme. I think it's because as women, we can only have the submissive role. Even if we were to have a dominant role, we will always be the one to "receive". We can never be the one to "attack" or "penetrate". Or ma......
2017-01-05 19:55 marked
How did you react to your first really detailed yaoi scenes?