Come on mc you got this its your chance dont f it up ╥﹏╥

Dorko created a topic of Corrosive

How can they be mean to him it breaks my heart the way he had to run away to eat ╥﹏╥

Dorko created a topic of The Unexpected Neighbor

I prefer alphaxalpha mc acts a little too young for me

Dorko created a topic of Do You Still Like Me?

You know. How has no one in the yaoi universe knotted in a mouth yet. It’s like the first person who decided to toast bread.

Dorko created a topic of Misunderstanding

First of all not a call that couldnt wait. Second of all fuck these people! So annoyed because of how realistic it is. In real life people are smiling when they fuck you over.

Dorko created a topic of Revenge With A Twist

i hope mc can hold out longer this time and let him regret this

Dorko created a topic of Kiss Me If You Can

Not interrupting his crack rock break for beans

Dorko created a topic of Aesthetics of Unpleasantness

Im so sad. Love these characters and wish the drama was just relationship stuff and didnt have all these traumatizing scenes ╥﹏╥

Dorko created a topic of Lips

Love this. Lets get a side story where the manager finds love too.

Dorko created a topic of You Are So Lovely

You guys is every womanizer secretly gay

Dorko created a topic of Backlight

Everyone knew this brother was bad news

Dorko created a topic of Into The Thrill

Im not gonna lie, I’m kind of attracted to all the MLs power moves lol

Dorko created a topic of It Starts with Isaac

Nah he like you he’s just spoiled narcissist

Dorko created a topic of Misunderstanding

Writer is the only reason they have any connection to jewan! He needs to use that and put them in their place!!! I bet that hoes trying to take his seat.

Dorko created a topic of The Polaris

This is sad because how are they going to get a happy ending when hes a ghost

Dorko created a topic of Yet You Love a Guy Like Him

Losing everything and watching them be with someone else is a proper chasing arch ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Dorko created a topic of Revenge With A Twist

He said i dont trust your dirty dick lol

Dorko created a topic of The Hero Wants to Die

At first i was really impressed with the friend for managing to stay so friendly and accommodating without shutting down at all the weird moments but we do not question if a homie wants to walk home another homie! That is not your business!

Well your alter ego really screwed the pooch for you there homes

Dorko created a topic of I Have To Be A Great Villain

There is so much plot i cant take it all in. The systems stories are easier to understand for me lmao does retiring his soul mean rip ml?