Insecure insecure !! just open your eyes Eireen and think about the time of you and your dad carefully your dad never knew you were the dragon before however he still love you to the moon put you first before hand more than his true blood children even if he still doesnt know you are his real daughter how dare you thouht he didnt truely love you , this dad of you ,you should know him the most if he doesnt truly love or truly care for someone even that someone are his god he will just ignore that god. You already knew it because you read everything and you also experienced the time when that dad of yours didnt really care about you and looked at you as just some toy that killed his time. But right now he gave you everything and you are like everything of him you light up his life as he light up yours so dont just let that bastard piece of sh.t sway you!! eireen come on i also love you and always on your side dont make me sad. I will never blame you because i knew whats youve been through but I felt sorry for your dad.