Bookworm February 15, 2025 4:03 am

I wanted to like this bc the plot didn’t seems so bad and the art is amazing but…
It was really difficult for me to feel immersed in the story. I tried really hard to like the uke but he was irritating. I wanted him to solve something himself but he kept making bad decisions and getting into trouble. He needed the seme’s help every time and had the attitude of a 12 year old. Starting from the beginning when he couldn’t ACT as his boyfriend?! That had me pissed off and it didn’t get better. Also, I was scrolling past every sex scene as it made me uncomfortable. Why did it feel like r*pe every time? Not once did it seem like the uke enjoyed it and the seme never stopped! I didn’t understand the strong emotions they claimed to have for one another. I wish I could I appreciate this more, but honestly I was just reading to get through it.

Bookworm November 27, 2024 3:56 am

This is really cute and wholesome. However… something about it makes it hard to follow the story. And I am confused about the timeline sometimes. And it was difficult for me to distinguish the characters at one point Don’t take this the wrong way though bc I do love their relationship. And this is a good story! So if you read the summary and other comments and it sounds interesting, I would definitely recommend giving it a read!!

Bookworm June 18, 2024 5:09 am

I came to check out this story after reading “If you Hate Me So”, the other story by this author. Because even though I don’t think the story was bad, the ratings were low and the comments were so critical of it. At the end of that manwha, one of the couples (Hye-sun and Dojin) don’t really get a happy end. But then I saw comments praising this manhwa, and that this story was where the characters have a happy ending, so I decided to give it a try.

The ratings and the praise for this manhwa is very high, so I was really looking forward to it. Especially bc soo many people hated “If You Hate Me So” and I rather liked it. So I was slightly disappointed. The main reason for hate in “If you Hate Me So”, at least as far as I know, was due to the rape of the uke in the beginning. That was something I hated too, but I also hate to say that it wasn’t that surprising to me since it is normal in yaoi manga. That definitely doesn’t make it okay, but if you’ve been reading it for a while, as I have, it’s just not that shocking. (They really should stop making stories with that though.)

SO imagine my surprise when the same thing happens here?? I thought: “there is no way that all the people complaining and hating on the other story because of the rape, are loving this??” But I was so curious bc let alone those comments, this manwha has been popular and viral for a long time, I just never got around to reading it. So I thought I just had to finish it. Because there must be something redeeming about this story. The love must be so epic that it’s making everyone not upset about the start of their relationship.

This story was not my cup of tea to put it nicely. Till the end I found not one thing nice about their love story. EXCEPT for the baby (SO CUTE!) Everything about their love felt one sided and forced on the uke, he did get slightly better at the end but was still so mean? I mean I guess valid considering how their relationship started, but then just don’t be that person at all?? Idk I just like to feel the love in a LOVE STORY?? This is no hate to anyone. The author did an amazing job and everyone has their preferences. Which is why I must say, I loved “If you Hate Me So” way more.

    SAMII June 19, 2024 8:12 am

    The thing about people nowwwwww is that they’ll forgive the rape if the characters are hot enough, but once they see That others don’t mind the rape they turn vile (a lot of us have been reading from a young age and yes unfortunately got used to ignoring i/ in a way forgiving it)

    Don’t mind the negative comments on the other manga (I’ve read itbut I forgot what it’s about honestly!)

    People will literally come at you for anything these days and yet you’ll notice the same people complaining about the rape/toxicity of a lot of bls are keeping up with the reading bc they find it interesting as well!

    The hypocrisy is real!! People like to believe they’re better than others but in the end they end up being worse!
    I hate how stupid the comments are now :/

    -this is not me saying rape is okay/ supporting it! Unfortunately a lot of mangaka have this stupid idea that a story can’t be good withou it? And it sucks it really does but I’m not gonna sit here and act like the rest of the story was ass when I clearly enjoyed the storyline (no matter how “basic and cliche” it is) and read through The Whole thing

    Bookworm June 19, 2024 7:52 pm
    The thing about people nowwwwww is that they’ll forgive the rape if the characters are hot enough, but once they see That others don’t mind the rape they turn vile (a lot of us have been reading from a you... SAMII

    Thank you! I was nervous about my comment bc sometimes people get defensive over the stories they like. However I agree with you 100%. I’ve read so many good yaoi mangas and manhwas without r*pe. And sometimes you can even see how the whole SA plot is unnecessary to add to the story, yet for some reason these authors keep putting it in.

    And sorry to get off topic but I’ve made plenty of
    comments about the topic of r*pe in media in general. It’s unnecessary 99% of the time, and I’m being generous bc even that 1% doesn’t need to be SHOWN. It’s really unfortunate and I hope these mangas and manhwas will continue to evolve for the better.

    Thank you for responding kindly to my comment

    SAMII June 19, 2024 9:16 pm
    Thank you! I was nervous about my comment bc sometimes people get defensive over the stories they like. However I agree with you 100%. I’ve read so many good yaoi mangas and manhwas without r*pe. And sometime... Bookworm

    No yeah dw about it :)

    Honestly for a lot of mangas I’ve read w/o rape a lot of comments are always like “this was so boring/ this is so basic I could make something like this!) which is crazy bc usually they’re very sweet/ funny- yes a little cringe- but overall good stories!

    Everyone will get defensive over things they like so don’t take it personally when they do! (I get a little defensive with some of my manga too

    shitass June 20, 2024 4:20 pm

    Heavy agree, the side couples saved this story for me for sure, because the main couple’s love wasn’t very romantic lmao

Bookworm June 3, 2024 7:00 pm

I read this first a while ago, and gave it a low rating. After finding the first one and rereading this one, I gave it a much better rating.

Bookworm February 14, 2024 10:22 am

It’s been a long while since I’ve read a manga that has gotten to me like this. I cried, I laughed, I smiled.. and I stayed up all night to finish it . This was amazing and I will be thinking about this manga for a long time.

One thing that I was upset about, PERSONALLY, was the father situation. He was really abusive, mean, and scary. And I hate how she had to be the one to reach out to him and understand him?? On that regard, even though I liked the mom at the end, if I am getting mad at the father then it’s only right that I get mad at her to since she was a bystander and didn’t do more to protect her daughter.

The dad really made me angry when he was blaming Shizu considering SHE DIDN’T ASK TO BE BORN IN THE FIRST PLACE! If you bring a life in this world you need to be prepared to love them no matter what ailments they have. He was just a sicko when he raised good hands on her… but I digress

This was still a wonderful story and I would recommend it in a heart beat. MUST READ!

Bookworm June 6, 2021 11:58 am

He better not have redemption arc or something bc the shit he put ilyan through is seriously sick. Like CPS should’ve taken ilyan away, he goes to jail sick. It was straight abuse and I better not see them trivialize it or ilyan forgiving him.

Bookworm June 2, 2021 11:02 am

Does anyone know if the webtoon is accurately following the novel or not? If it is, what chapter in the novel does the webtoon leave off?

    Matcha June 2, 2021 11:07 am

    It's not following the novel anymore. ( ̄へ ̄)

Bookworm December 11, 2020 3:47 pm

I’m happy they kissed... but Yuna.... I’m SO CONFLICTED

Though it is better that this happened fast so Yuna won’t be more hurt.

I want the boyfriend to get beat up. Seriously. She’s too good for him and I feel sick every time his face comes up

Bookworm November 20, 2020 2:40 pm

Ofc I KNOW he’s gonna end up with main girl... but heart wants Yuna to be happy #-.-)

Since we know it’s not gonna happen tho I want things to end fast so Yuna’s heart doesn’t get broken. Then I hope she find someone else she reallyyyyyy likes so she can be happy.

Bookworm November 10, 2020 1:38 pm

I swear if my girl Yuna gets her heart broken I’m hurting someone

    Matt November 10, 2020 5:27 pm

    I second this.

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