I would have preferred this manga just being all about the spice/drama with no romance
Since I don't give a damn about that prince! (tho I love my yandere boy Allendis!!! )
This is still okay since it doesn't disrupt the drama but I still don't like the prince and Tia being together(tho this is just a hopeless thought since we all know they'll be together in the end)

I just can't help but think that that little sister is a frickin selfish hypocrite (`ー´) talking about justice and good deeds when she doesn't even know the consequences of her actions hence the MC's bad reputation.
I don't know if this is exactly right but I kinda remember the little sister rejecting the marriage proposal because of the reputation of the ML though I'm kinda glad about that but I still can't let that slideヽ( `д´*)ノ

Hmm I'm dropping this... this is just like Lady baby but younger! It's not that I hate Lady Baby or this manga but at least in Lady Baby she started speaking when she was about 5 yrs? I just can't with baby's speaking like adults I mean she's only been around months or a year at most! I would have preferred that she just hit or cause something to gain the attention of the adults and just point or something but hmm dunno just can't seem to like plots like these and OMG that armor just irritates me. why is her cleavage area exposed? what even is the point of her having an armor?

Just started shipping the Prince and Tia but after reading the comments Im like DAMN how could I have forgotten the prince's actions!?!? I agree with those who said that the Prince only "changed" because Tia also changed and I also read that it was because of a callous comment about her mother's death that made the prince rape and murder her can't believe I almost sunk my Allendis x Tia ship just because I saw some fluffy moments with Tia and the Prince and also can't Allendis just appear again and make progress? At least make this already hopeless ship go near the finish line
Ok after reading the spoilers... I'm not sure if I should continue reading or just drop it.. so far I don't like how the story is heading since it seems like there is a lot of drama and plot twists put in this manga that makes me hesitant in continuing( ̄  ̄|||)