This is gonna be super personal for a platform like this but idk where else to leave it and idk I want to re read this years later so it’ll be a nice note to reflect on and see if anything changes.

I’m only 19 years old and throughout your life I was obsessed with my age. Like since I was 13 I’ve been looking at each year I aged as a level like in a game. I needed to accomplish this or that by this age, or look at that person at this age and look at me. You know? I broke down my life like that. From 13 to 17 I was going through some tough times (and still trying to figure it out) and with that I made 18 the endgame the age where I would like myself or the universe would kill me fate would idk you get the point. So when 18 came I broke down and took a good week to get back up. I’m 19 and now I’m looking at 25 being the endgame. Idk what I’m expecting when I reach that age. Some life changing disaster to occur? A tragic event that’ll change my life so badly? Will I die by 25? But let’s say I survived 25 and go through my life, this is where this manga comes in.

I’m a desi Muslim and with that comes a lot of expectations. I grew up with relatives around me who were around 18/24 ish getting married and becoming (to younger me back then) proper women in society. Currently now of course my friends are talking about the possibility of getting married young around that age and they’re all ready for it with the right person. My view on marriage has been distorted due to the relationships I’ve seen around me but that’s for another story. So I started to think I’m too young to get married at my early 20s and thought I don’t want to get married at all because what if I’m not ready by my late 20s I’ll be too old to be wanted (that’s what a lot of the older generation thinks in desi culture normally lol) if I get married late I’ll have kids lates and I’ll be too old and weak to raise them and etc.

This manga gave me some hope, it’s never too late to start living you know? To start loving, that be yourself or to pour it all into someone else. And we shouldn’t be ashamed to start things when we’re older if you like something age shouldn’t matter. Who said fun had an age limit? Our MC is a bit harsh on himself only viewing himself as “this/that old man” and seeing very little else, yet his partner sees beyond that. We’ve all got silent lovers on this world, they see the parts we don’t even notice. They see more.

There’s no blueprint or levels to life you don’t need to accomplish universal goals that society has pushed on us. I really love the message and the relationship in this piece of art it’s wholesome and gives a warm feeling. Yeah you’ll get old and have a midlife crisis and whatever else media told us to be scared about but, that problem will have a place in your life and it will pass. Just please be kind to yourself.
2021-02-28 08:01 marked
In Another life~~
I would be your guy
We'd keep all our promises
Be us against the world
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say you were
The one that got away
The one that got away (´༎ρ༎`)
2021-02-26 03:45 marked
So i literally spamed w/c saying this but you can download google rewards to get google play money to buy gems. it basically makes it free for you. You can support the author by doing this too.
2021-02-22 08:02 marked
I've seen real Japanese gay couples and sometimes their age difference is questionable. But they understand that their relationship comes with many downfalls and their still willing to try for the person they love. Why are y'all so desperate to break apart two people who want to be with each other? Morals too high to just shut up and let the people be?

Ren is a very smart boy and not once has he ever let Haru's immature dirty flirty self to do anything to him he didn't like. Ren is intelligent enough to know that the relationship that he is in is wrong and all the negative looks Haru would get. But honestly sometimes I feel like Ren is the smartest one in the relationship. I wish people in the real world would just leave them alone.

Cause they act like Haru groom's Ren just because their two different age, let me say Japanese couples are able to have questionable ages because the age of maturity is low and their willing to risk it all. Don't be angry cause you a pussy.

Y'all angry their brothers like that's any of your business, as far as I know sometimes gay couple adopt each other just so they can date. Y'all rather Haru makes Ren his son? Or they stay adopted brothers?

Just leave the people alone and let them love in piece. Shit.
2021-02-16 07:33 marked
For people who have been waiting for an update, sorry to say that chapter 16 is the most recent chapter in the JP raws as well.

In Jan 2019, the author tweeted for the first time since Jun 2018 since this comics won an award. In this tweet they talk about taking care of your mental health so it is reasonable to assume they were having a rough time irl.

In this consecutive tweet also tweeted on the same day, the author says they have plans to resume the comics and will inform everyone closer to the date.

As of now a year has passed and the comic has been given a drama CD but there have been no updates from the author themselves as to when the next chapter will come out since it was published in a magazine and on pixiv comic on a chapter by chapter basis (as to being full volumes only).

Note that this is DOES NOT MEAN THE SERIES WAS DROPPED/AXED BY THE AUTHOR, as when that happens the author has the responsibility to let their fans know. In all my years of reading and following authors there has never been a time where they failed to tell the fans if their story was going to be discontinued. The only thing we know is that after the creation of chapter 16, the author may have had some problems with their mental health and since then has been doing their best to return. Even if the author ends up being unable to finish this story ever, I hope they are doing well in real life
2021-02-10 07:40 marked
Hmm. Things are OK now. But I feel like I can understand why Kouta still doesn't try to get in the boyfriend mode or something like that. It's like he's always ready for having his heartbroken anytime. Oh dear.TT
2021-02-10 07:34 marked
they are literly childrenn,,,
like he is either 14 -15 rn
they r third year of middle shcool
that is like grade 9
juior highschool

at this pointthis is a coming of age story

he lives alone,, he has nightmares and trouble sleeping, he hardly has any real friends (i mean the only person he seemed familiar with was jian yi and i would not call it a close relashionship before he met mo), he doesnt get proper meals(before mo), he is very very lonely, he has issues wiht his family, he feels opressed by his background, the only adult figure that i can see actively involved in his life is probably his brother, he wants to be loved, also tehre seems to be a trauma associated with the grave (form when he visited his brothers estate),

he probably has a lot of mental struggles too u know

and he finally found someone that makes him feel secure, which helps him cope,,, and that is mo,,, but he has to be separated,,, his safe place is literally being taken away form him,
when mo was there he would sleep properly, when mo cooks for him its delicious, when he remembers that mo exists he isnt lonely anymore, its mo who is 'not afraid of darkess',,who chased his nightmares away,he person he went to First when he was tired after visiting his father, mo worries about him and kinda let's him be spoiled u know (um the sandwich,, and the leaning in his shoulder, and the he wouldn't truly abandon him, we can tell by the red sauce incident,, and the leaving without him incident were he visited him in his house in the end), he just wants to be around him u know, which obvious by the way he chases him around everywhere
Mo existence is very special to him at this point, it brings to him a security that can put his heart at peace so he instantly feels better

And all of this is going to be taken away from him soon by the person who's been opressing him his whole life,, his father

Its not thats he's weak or anything, itd just that he's never been in a spot to be strong to begin with so he's vulnerable, by being a bit rebellious towards his bro and dad its like hes silently protesting on his own behalf so he can atleast get some freedom on his life decisions, i mean he does good at school and doesnt get in toruble or anything, he doesn't have the power over his own life,, so he asks his brother,, who might be the only guardian figure in his life for help in his desperate state

Its soo sad poor thing

Someone give the boy a hug,, preferably mo cz id like to see some development here
If its a goodbye,, can I have a goodbye kiss between the two?

Also is it he tian who gives momo his second piercing ?

Man can I get faster updates imam die if heart burn at this point
2021-02-08 09:30 marked
you are crying for the separation of both literal and figurative dogs from its master.
2021-02-08 08:57 marked
What goes around comes around.Threw a piece of candy wrap on the floor when my mom was cleaning. The weight of the slippers that she threw at me then, is still fresh even though its been 2 decades.....
2021-02-02 05:39 marked
No one is talking about how Hye-sung didn’t want to do it with another omega but that he was just feeling self conscious about himself, because he feels as if he’s not as pretty or as successful like the rest of them are. And if you remember at the beginning of the story that’s all he really wanted
2021-02-01 19:38 marked
Rereading this now and I had somehow forgot but Hyesung's dad is such a disgusting, horrible human being! He's basically a monster. So he said something along the lines of that he "let some alpha business partner have her", meaning he basically prostituted his own wife. He orchestrated it so that other men could rape his wife for his own profit. And then that continued to happen until she left.

And he seemed to consider doing it to his son too. Something like "You're so small. Are you sure you're an alpha. You're looking so much like your [omega] mum who was only good for using her body."

No wonder Hyesung is scared shitless about being an omega and lashes out when other people say he is. At first I thought it was about pride and his life being a lie. But it seems it runs much deeper than that.

Furthermore, he also mentally and physically abused her. Probably hit Hyesung too. After they had shown Byul to Dojin's family he thought they were nice for not cursing at them or hitting them as if that was normal. Made me tear up a bit. Hyesung's childhood is just so sad.

It makes me so angry that the dad got away with it. Now he apparently plays to role of a good father to his new kids. He should be in JAIL! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
2021-02-01 19:36 marked
I'm not sure if I need to make this clear because it seems obvious but.... It doesn't matter if you're married, if your partner says "no" and "stop" and starts crying you should stop. Period. There's no excuse, unless you had a previous agreement about it (with a safe word, preferbly).

And now the guy that didn't want to be a bottom, didn't want to have kids, didn't want to end up with an alpha... but ended up with all of that even so, have a thrauma about other Omegas and can't approach them. Great.

This is some serious sick shit right here. Really.

If you just check this to fap or whatever, that's ok. I just really hope no one takes this as a relationship advise or thinks "ooh so cute! he's jelous"
2021-01-30 09:33 marked
i swear reading these things while you’re struggling with yourself is the worst and the best at the same time
2021-01-30 05:40 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-01-28 06:43 marked
this is so excellent. first off, having that story for the red head friend and her struggles with being lgbtq+ was sad to read. like this story doesn’t feel like it fetishizes the uke being gay, but that it’s genuine and not totally sexual. so good!!
2021-01-17 07:11 marked
they need to tell each other that they don’t like pasta or else i'm not gonna be able to sleep at night
2021-01-17 07:09 marked
hi welcome to my pity party for myself :) I don't remember our mc name so imma just call him uke :) anyways when he said "I don't want to date him nor sleep with him, I just want him to like me. like me the way I like him" that hit me harder than my dads belt like sheeeeeeeeeeeeesshhhh I've never related to something more. I don't think the girl I like realizes I like her no matter how many subtle hints I give her, she's always down to do something sexual but I don't want her to just see me for that kind of thing, I want to be able to make her happy and brighten up her days when she's sad, she literally is the prettiest person in my eyes and I could cuddle her for hours on end if she'd let me. I just want her to be happy even if she doesn't feel the same about me, but it still really sucks knowing she probably doesn't like me the way i likes her. ok pity party over, be happy and have a wonderful day and remember ur beautiful <3
2021-01-17 07:07 marked
So his new date is his former crush best friend and ex lover, ugh. Man what a bad situation to be in, I would find someone else if it was me. Main reason is cause the 3 of them will always be together, I mean they will meet constantly, so weird, nope. I praise all people who just dont give a fuck about any of this tho. Its not a matter of "comunicating" is a matter of can you handle it or it? Being near and talking to your former crush who also is ur bf former lover and his best friend lol. Near 9 billions people in this world I would just go next, too much of a hassle for my lazy ass lmao
2021-01-17 07:07 marked
So the author made an update with 5 more chaps but sad to say ALL of it is SAD BACKSTORIES :( The author might want the viewers to see more of the story from the black-haired dude's point of view. So just wanna say get ready for more tissues...


it is also said there that the first chap would be FREE and the rest would be paid so pleaseeee support the author.
2021-01-14 19:22 marked
what movie was it
2021-01-13 08:44 marked

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