The father probably wants the child to be the heir to his company. The alpha also probably wants to just follow his father's wants and at the same time play with the omega. Incredulous.

From where did you take that? It's obvious the alpha's dad wants a alpha or to know if the child will be a alpha and probably even force him to become one (what I think he did with the alpha) that's why a doctor is discussing this and the alpha probably don't want his father (who was awful to him) having anything to do with his son

Yes, sorry I am "a bit" too blunt sometimes, and say things in a hurry without thinking about how other people feel about my choice of words
what I meant was: "can you please tell me why do you think that? cuz I trough my point of view was the óbvious answer where all the pieces fit so much so that I didn't even questioned it until know, and I failed to see any clues that differ from that"...I think this is better,
I just wanted you to elaborate and see what you think about the most likely theory
You see how he gets jealous? subtle but so fcking strong