serralinda September 20, 2019 2:39 pm

Thanks so much to everyone who worked so hard to bring us this story. What a sweet and perfect ending! Now we hope for a spin-off....

serralinda September 19, 2019 5:45 pm

I think sleeping (and just sleeping) together is actually a pretty big step forward. It's closeness that isn't sex or passed-out-after-sex, and that's meaningful. Senpai is getting accustomed to Morinaga physically, whether he realizes it yet or not. Of course, I enjoy seeing them do more as well /wink.

I really want to see him waking up tangled together with Morinaga :)

    Aiteal September 19, 2019 5:48 pm

    me too me to! it's so sweet and like that it's a litle better ^^
    I like how it is usually but you are right ! sex is something strong between two people but just sleeping like that with peace of mind and that sweetness is so much better!

    Nyxmeow September 19, 2019 10:56 pm

    I agree with you that it *would* be progress, and some nice intimacy... but let's be honest, no way are they going to just sleep. It'll be the same thing as usual: "You said you wouldn't do anything!" "I know senpai, I just..." "Damn it!!! I can't trust you at all" Morinaga ignores him saying "Stop" because tsundere yaoi logic etc.
    OR Morinaga does just cuddle him but then senpai starts fidgeting and more "Damn it, this is all your fault you're always like this" and tsunderes them into doing it. Same old same old.

    russejenn September 20, 2019 4:45 am
    I agree with you that it *would* be progress, and some nice intimacy... but let's be honest, no way are they going to just sleep. It'll be the same thing as usual: "You said you wouldn't do anything!" "I know s... Nyxmeow

    I agree with you 100%; this is going to be like the night of the house fire. It's playing out exactly the same.

serralinda September 13, 2019 2:11 am

Obsession and desperation aren't necessarily love. It sounds unhealthy to me. Plus, he just laid a big guilt-trip on Henry about something that happened years ago. Not cool, Sam.

And what the sister is saying - stop seeing only Sam's good qualities or making excuses for his bad ones. Look at the real Sam and make a new assessment.

I'm not saying Henry is an angel, but once you put a person in the friend-zone (for whatever reason) it's hard and scary to try and shift them into a romantic partner. Henry's "love" for Sam was a fantasy dream that he clung to. The reality isn't going to be anything like that.

    Krissy September 13, 2019 10:12 am

    I'm not sure why so many down voted your comment, because honestly i think you're right on the money

    Sugakookie September 13, 2019 12:27 pm

    I agree.

serralinda September 8, 2019 4:49 pm

That's all.

No, really - thank god the chapter finally dropped, I was going insane. And it's perfect! Of course Asami is taking you with him, Akihito. Together forever!

I can't wait for Yuri to die. Little Mikhail with his puppy was too cute.

serralinda August 18, 2019 7:55 pm

That picture better not mess up my boys! Ken and Asaya can go be angsty in a corner somewhere, just leave Masahiro and Kousuke out of it.

Yay! Gonna live together! I love that Masahiro is the more practical one, and Kousuke is the crazy romantic. They balance each other so well.

serralinda August 15, 2019 5:13 pm

as nervous as Seth reading this entire latest chapter! Not cool! Why do I get invested in dang love-triangles!

serralinda August 7, 2019 3:08 am

Does anyone have a translation for those character descriptions and what looks like a message from the author? I'd love to read those.

I hope we get Naru's story next. I love his character, have written him into my fan fiction even.

    yumeoibito August 7, 2019 4:57 am

    Yeah, hope sensei makes it a bit more complicated when it comes to Naru.

serralinda July 31, 2019 3:04 pm

I'm finding myself more interested in the two side couples, rather than the main one, so I'm okay with these diversions. Bar owner especially, but also the teacher and the shy guitar player- I think I like more chasing and awkward development than angst.

    potatoishere July 31, 2019 3:29 pm

    Wait... Huanwen is a teacher?

    serralinda July 31, 2019 4:36 pm

    Grad student/counsellor? Something like that - obviously an older/mentor type.

serralinda July 28, 2019 3:28 pm

I've already re-read them several times. There's just something heartwarming about two down-on-their-luck guys finding happiness with each other. Plus, I'm a fan of yaoi guys looking like regular (and hot) adult guys. Hairy chest, yes!

serralinda July 27, 2019 4:22 pm

Please check back - if no one picks up the story you should definitely work on it again. You're translations might not be the smoothest, but they were understandable and we'd all like the story to continue. Loved your side comments and funny memes. Thank you for your hard work.

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