I used to love this manhwa and I thought the harem was just one of the way the MC manipulated people. But now I see that it's just an harem manhwa like others. No matter how funny it was, chapter 119 is a big no for me.
Fuck you Hayan, your character is shit and it actually makes no sense for MC to keep a ticking bomb (who is apparently also a RAPIST) next to him. That's not funny anymore.
I guess, byeeeee
Is it just me or did the drawing style change? Already on the first panel I saw that dokja looked prettier but when HSY and YSA came in it became even clearer. For a moment it looked like I was reading a shojo manga of the 80s
If everyone wanted a democracy they could have just asked him???? Why were both the princess and Hyunsung so secretive aghhh
I still haven't forgiven you dear Hyunsung for how you lied to Kiyoung about this matter (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Can someone explain better the things of dimensions and returnees? Like, is it a multiverse? Is it gonna get messy as marvel multiverse whoch makes no sense?
This man can't do a single thing right omg
All the plans he made failed miserably and now he also misinterpreted the oracle.
Whether the heart of the empire is Eros or Psyche, the closest person to both is Medea, so the oracle talkes about her, idiot....
I'm so sorry for Eve's death though
Ok, let's be honest, there is no need for a manager for those few items, it's just a waste of plausibility.
Sometimes it's funny how authors try to make a thing more believable in real life and end up doing the opposite.
The majority of feminicides come from the fact that man feel abandoned by women and want to tie them to them even in death. No way the author is trying to pull the poor victim card... this is literally what happens during trials and why judges give lighter sentences to people that literally killed a person because they felt like they had the right to own their life. I'm disgusted...
I DIDN'T READ THE NOVEL, I DON'T KNOW AND DON'T WANT TO KNOW SPOILERS, so what I'm going to say are my guesses, whether they are right or wrong.
First, the artist was a bit over the top by making yjh ask that question to the sponsor and then dokja appearing in the next panel. Like, come on, what am I supposed to think....
Second, my guess is that whatever the sponsor told yjh, yjh is now consodering ending the scenarios in THIS life. He is not going to give up so easily on his life anymore because he want to finish all scenarios with dokja
Just so that you know guys, in chapter 190 there is another non-con reference.
The non-women related part is fine, although the author is getting a bit confused about power levels at this point and I feel like we are about to have a Magi kind of ending, but for real, it's really disgusting how sexual assault is treated as romantic and they even dare to joke about it like "ahaha it's just an adult kind of thing guys" ehm no???
Maybe dear author if you focused a bit more on the story you wouldn't end up having to create new kind of power scales every 3 chapters.
I can't ship her with moon owl, not when he keeps on manipulating her like that... especially since she is already in such a dire situation.
Ok, but if I were Psyche's aunt, I too would be pissed off if my sister was chosen over me just because she smiled.
But for real, everyone is crazy in Psyche's family. Her dad, her aunt, her mom (yes her mom is weird too, no matter how much the author tries to portait her as the naive girl who melted Psyche's dad's heart).
Psyche please run away, for real T-T
From what I've seen online there are basically only two AkanexAqua shippers in the whole multiverse: me and Kana. Weirder things have happened I guess.
If I think that I hated Psyche's chapters at the start of the story... Now I'm looking forward for the next chapters each week.
For real guys, don't drop the story, it's still gold!
No, my heart can't take the witch hunt, too much angst :(((
ok but randomly, you see a child using magic and you immediately go SHE IS EVIL, THE FINAL BOSS. Are you mental?
I'm sorry, I loved her before, I love her even more now, no matter what. She really loved her son more than anything else. I'm gonna cry.
I like the stories don't get me wrong, but at this point the title it's just misleading. Most times the antagonist is a woman and men are just... there.
Wish we went back to the original trope lol
I hope that his power increase leads to an overall power increase even in the rest of the secondary cast, since to save the world one would need a bunch of very powerful people rather than 1 god and bunch of nobodies.
Hello everyone, how about we stop talking about the live action in the comment section and only talk about the webtoon?
I know it may come from nowhere, but I would like for this comment section to be a safe space. On twitter it's impossible to talk about orv because of the attack from kpoo fans and I'm very tired of arguing with peoole whose justification is "I don't care about the plot, all I care is about is my favorite actor" or "this webtoon is a flop, it will become relevant only thanks to *mention actor*"
Like, for real, I need a space where people genuinely care about this webtoon as much as I do.
Guess me and dragons have different taste in men (and their haircut)
... what does this say about me??