Femdom was never really my thing, but I think I'm finally understanding why. Being a female with a dominant (strong) personality, I would never be attracted to a man who prefers to be submissive, because I want to be dominated. (Yeah, it sounds strange) Whereas a female who has more submissive traits or was forced to be submissive may prefer a submissive male to feel she has some sense of power or to reclaim her power. This female lead wants claim her power and independence due to having a suck ass family and he's wants to submit to her because that is his kink. Naturally because he is in a position of power being a Prince, he will always have to come across as powerful in the presence of others, but in her presence... he is free to be his true self. That's what makes this couple good for one another. Plus, he really seems to love her... though she is unaware and she is not in love with him...as of yet. In some long term couples I know, I've observed that the power dynamics between them tends to shift back and forth where one will love their mate more than their mate loves them and strangely...It works. The key to this is balance. Knowing when to take control and knowing when to yield. I like this female lead because while she is unsure and overwhelmed at times, she adjusts and adapts to the situation instead of running away.