Like, honestly. Just what the fuck was this? Forget that there was literally nothing interesting happening, but the seme was an idiot who wanted to prank the uke "cosplaying" as his lover, and when the poor guy believed him and made a move on him he actually accepted? Like hello, cheating, anyone? And they were actually friends so why the fuck did he risk their firendship for a round of sex when the uke wasn't even in his right mind (I think he was drugged or smh)?
I mean, it's just fucked up. Even if you would want to read it to jack off or smh, you would most likely be dissapointed so don't bother to

I honeslty just can't accept the way Gin treated someone that he calls a "friend". Like tf, who in their right mind would let someone stuck in a hole in the wall without any pants or underwear at all? It's like he basically waited for someone to rape poor Hijikata. And of course it happened, because how many Gintama djs without rape are out there? *sense the despair in my voice pls*. Not only that, but he basically did it after raping him himself, like isn't there a limit at how slef-centered can you be?

I stopped reading after the first 2 chapters, because honeslty, I don't think it was okay. The seme was too forceful, and aside the fact that he basically stalked the uke, trying to find about a part of his past that the poor man didn't want him to know because it was something that didn't bring back good memories, he fricking RAPED him. Just like that, without even having a reason. He just tied him down and raped him. Like what the fuck??

I find this manga very disturbing. First of all, the seme said that his life became "twisted" because the uke made him gay. NOT because he was molested (which I would have understood), but because he was gay. Like, what the hell? Don't you find that weird and very offending? Second, what is wrong with the uke? Why the hell would you do that to a child to satisfy your sexual desires? And what's even more disturbing, is that the seme seems to be obsessed with the uke, even though he was molested by him. I mean, it's probably due to the trauma and the fact that this changed his life, but stil... I feel sorry for him.
And the cows. Was I the only one that thought they seemed weird? Mostly the one that ran away in chapter 2...
this was so good and beautiful like i wish those who said that it's boring because there is no sex or no kisses would understand that not everything revolves around that. the story is beautiful and full of feeling in its own way, and it has such an unique touch to it. of course those typical, comedy-like yaoi mangas are good and enjoyable, but this, right here, it's the true masterpiece