Damn really? Iv be reading manga for over 5 years and am only up to like 200, looks like i need to step up my game XD
Hoolllyllylylyy shit!!! U have read so much fucking manga!!!!!! Jesus christ and i thought i read a lot!!! ( this has imspired me to read even more. )
Lol! Manga is pretty new to me only been reading for about 6 or 7 months but I saw real quick why so many love it! So READ on! And feel free to share any that you really like
Damn really? Iv be reading manga for over 5 years and am only up to like 200, looks like i need to step up my game XD
Hoolllyllylylyy shit!!! U have read so much fucking manga!!!!!! Jesus christ and i thought i read a lot!!! ( this has imspired me to read even more. )
Lol! Manga is pretty new to me only been reading for about 6 or 7 months but I saw real quick why so many love it! So READ on! And feel free to share any that you really like