Its really weird the seme was legit about to go stay in the room with this jerk instead of immediately saying he was going to stay with his boyfriend. The uke isnt childish for getting upset at that, he's childish for his outbursts that have him crying and running away like a 5 year old lol, like who does that at his age? And even tho the uke is weak as hell - His feelings are valid tho and the seme needs to stop letting this guy be so touchy feely and stop allowing him to deliberately try and come between them. I still hate everybody except the uke's friend tho lol wish we saw more from him, like a side story with him getting with a new character not the new jerk.
Who falls asleep like that in the middle of sex? Especially rough sex that hurts? How can you sleep when your bootyhole is on fire? That was silly "for the sake of the plot-ness" Jooin should have just left the room before participating in this. I like a good rough sex scene but This sex scene was cringy and not at all sexy since it didnt seem like jooin was enjoying it or comfortable.
This definitely needed to be longer. The art is GREAT and the story's intetesting enough tho' not original. "Playboy seme falls in love with docile uke" is nothing new in yaoi storylines but it CAN still be a good read. The thing is, the uke had ZERO personality. You dont know anything about him except he's a quiet virgin with a secret crush who does nothing but study because of overpressuring parents. The seme is jaded at love, conceited, mockingly obliging, and an easy fuck BUT he has a change of heart and finds himself falling in love with our uke through a sexual relationship. We have some character development from the seme but NONE from the dull,
personality-less but nice uke. It would have been great to see him blossom since he's on his own and in a relationship with his crush. 3 to 4 more chapters who have helped this to be better.
Is kiryuuin actually a trans character tho? Was that specifically stated in the story somewhere? I thought they were just gay and liked to cross dress which is quite common so i'm a little surprised by all these upset "transphobia" comments.
She is. She's been saying from the start that she's a woman at heart. The mangaka (and the whole BL community) doesn't handle trans characters well. I won't say it's because of transphobia or anything similar, I am guessing they are uneducated regarding the topic. Like most of the people in real world and even most of the readers here. Even I initially doesn't like trans characters in a BL settings.
As someone who made a comment of similar topic, it’s just really wrong to continuously disregard someone’s gender preference. Well, it really isn’t a preference, it’s who they are. And although a person may not necessarily be transphobic, those kinds of acts are transphobic. Like that 2nd to last panel where Yamada said “you are a guy,” that’s borderline transphobic even if he himself isn’t against actual transgender or genderqueer people. It’s just very wrong and off-putting to continue disregarding someone’s gender identity like that. I have so many transgender and genderqueer and non-binary friends who would agree. I’ve been heavily educated on the subject matter by them, so don’t take my word, but take theirs
Well i cant take the word of your friends since i dont know them lol and while i understand everything your saying and mostly agree with you, im genuinely just asking if it is for sure stated that the character is in fact trans, rather than everybody getting upset over a character that they THINK is trans but may not be. The Yaoi genre loves portraying cross dressing and effeminate gay characters, its common so I thought the character in question was just another one of those type of characters and i dont recall anything saying the character was specifically trans, but if they are then of course the dismissal of ones gender - whatever that may be, is ignorant.
When a person says they are the opposite gender at heart, that is being transgender, which is literally what Reí has said in the manga. Go reread it. And even you don’t know my friends, they are transgender people who are more knowledgeable about this than you and I and should still take their word for it, otherwise if you don’t, you’re literally acting transphobic, even if you didn’t mean to. To not acknowledge them and what they’ve said and KNOW about being transgender, is just plain ignorant. Rei is transgender. She didn’t outright say it becuz 1) the manga most likely did not want to throw that word around becuz of their lack of knowledge on the subject matter, especially considering Japan’s perspective on the topic and 2) Japan And Japanese people in generally do not know that word exactly and have instead been using the term “transvestite” or “queer” to call transgender people for decades now, which is wrong becuz both of those words have different meanings that do not exactly pertain to an actual transgender person. And I bet Koutetsuko-sensei is aware of that misconception and misuse and was playing it safe to not outright use the word “transgender” in her story. Not to mention, if she did, it probably wouldn’t sell becuz surprise surprise, the Yaoi/yuri fandoms strangely have a strange chunk of fujoshis/fudanshis who are outright transphobic. But despite all of this, in the end, Rei would very much be considered as transgender by transgender people and those who are informed and aware of what being transgender entails. And rei certainly entails that.
The fuck? I dont know what your problem is or why your being so extra right now with the tone of your response and trying to tell ME what I SHOULD do and WHO I SHOULD be listening to but, I in no way have been transphobic or ignorant, i SIMPLY asked a question. You clearly like throwing that word (transphobic) around. As someone who has actually lived in Japan I can say a good portion of them are innocently ignorant due to lack of exposure and small mindedness, and a deep ingrained worry about "what OTHER people would think and say" - (thats not an excuse, its just the way it is), but some are also just plain ole predjudiced but still alot of them simply dont know and dont have many, if any conversations on this subject when they dont know anybody from the rainbow community personally. You keep going on and on about this and you clearly are not COMPREHENDING what I SAID while trying to tell me what YOU THINK I don't know because your too busy trying to lead the "anti-TRANSPHOBIC BRIGADE". I STATED that I AGREED WITH YOU, I ALSO STATED not acknowledging someones gender whatever that is - is ignorant. I am not one of these clueless naive kids/teens reading yaoi/yuri/shoujo on here with a lack of knowledge of the real damn world, and like I said I DONT know YOUR friends so I cant take their word for it - the "lol" after that clearly stated that that was humour. I know trans people, so come off your high horse with your whole "let me educate you" attitude just because I said I DIDNT SEE where it was stated in the story that kiryuuin was trans. I wanted clarification on what kiryuuin is genderwise, THATS IT THATS ALL. Take your issue up with the mangaka, you can reach out to THEM with your gripe and educate them, and I hope you keep this SAME energy for the OTHER GROUPS of people AS WELL depicted ignorantly and insentively in the manga world.
Okay, first of all. I did answer your question. Second of all, you’re the one that’s misinterpreting the tone of my response. You are the one that’s needs to take a fucking chill pill. I clearly said that even if you didn’t MEAN TO BE TRANSPHOBIC, the act of disregarding what my own transgender friends know about the subject matter is borderline transphobic. It’s not saying you are transphobic, the act itself is what is transphobic. My transgender friends aren’t any different from your own transgender friends. That’s why I said you should take their word for it, not on a personal level but on a understanding and accepting level. I didn’t mean it as you not acknowledging their gender. I’m aware that you do, I was just turned off By you saying you can’t take my transgender friends words, but those aren’t words of personal thought but actual facts that pertain to all transgender people, my friends and your friends included. Maybe you should be the one to properly read what I’m saying. And there’s nothing wrong with being re-educated on something you may already know. I clearly wasn’t aware of that becuz I innocently assumed you didn’t becuz of the fact you asked about Rei’s gender position. There’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t understand why you’re being so offended by that. It doesn’t hurt to be retold what you may already know and if that pissed you off so much, then Jesus fucking Christ I’m so sorry. And I’m aware of the perspective of Japanese people on the LGBTQ+ community. As a sexually queer person myself, I KNOW enough about the situation there. And even if many Japanese people are still innocently unaware of the subject matter, that’s still part of the reason why Yamamoto Kotetsuko didn’t outright use the word “transgender” in their manga. It’s clear this author is more accepting and aware of the subject matter than most Japanese people simply by the fact they’ve included such a character in their story. But as explained by my analytical reasons, that is why they did not use that specific word to describe Rei’s gender identity. Also, just becuz Japanese people aren’t fully educated on the subject matter doesn’t mean they aren’t horribly prejudice. A person is capable of being homophobic/transphobic while being innocently uneducated on the subject matter just as much as a person who is accepting and undiscriminative while being innocently uneducated on the subject matter. And what I meant by saying that audiences wouldn’t “buy” or “purchase” the mangaka’s works if they were to outright say “transgender” in the manga, I meant on both of the terms of there being actual transphobic fujoshis/fudanshis (becuz that is a very real thing) and from the perspective of higher ups in the publishing company that Yamamoto Kotetsuko works at. A company in a conservative Japan is going to avoid using such terms in their works for the sake of there being confused/educated fans as well as transphobic fans that would potentially risk their sales. I was only mentioning that as stating another viewpoint as to why Yamamoto Kotetsuko didn’t outright state Rei as transgender. And again, I don’t see the problem with me mentioning all of this. It doesn’t hurt at all! I’m honestly just trying to have a decent conversation with someone who is actually willing to listen. Jesus fucking Christ. I Also never even said you were naive or clueless. I never even assumed that either. And FYI, as a mentally ill diagnosed queer woman of color and victim of domestic abuse, I VERY much have EQUAL energy if not MORE for OTHER GROUPS of people depicted ignorantly and insensitively in the manga world. Don’t you go assuming things about me either
Girl really lol, a simple question. A simple fucking question and you came in here with a chip on your shoulder because of your own issue with the narrowmindedness of some japanese people when it comes to the rainbow community and thats fine but Dont post on people's comments when you can't stick to the subject of the post or answer the fucking question being asked - You made it way more than it needed to be And you came off wrong from the VERY beginning. I didnt assume one thing about you in my previous statement i simply said i hope you keep that same energy for other groups. You still have a problem with comprehension and now you're figuratively putting words in my mouth. I dont care about your analytical reasons, your life story, or YOUR friends either for that matter, i dont know you and dont care to know you. I joked about not being able to take the word of your friends whom i obviously dont know and cant talk to because, DUH clearly. I didnt disregard them/you when i made that joke - you took it that way and well, thats a YOU problem - but i AM diregarding you NOW because you clearly need a xanax and a fucking nap. I didnt borderline "transphobic anything" but accusing people of whatever you want to put on them makes your angry ass happy so im still unbothered lol. You are reaching so hard to turn a harmless question on something i may have missed/didnt remember in a fictional story into an accusation of being transphobic its downright humourous and on top of that you are also literally repeating some of the same shit i said, I already said japanese people can be/are predjudiced, clearly. I also said their ignorance wasnt an excuse. Here we go again, your poor comprehension skills are at work - I didnt say you called me naive and clueless, i merely stated that i was not because you came off like an angry "know it all" hell bent on trying to educate me on something you assumed i knew nothing about. You are just that person who likes to go around calling people names ON THE INTERNET because you're miserable and you want to be some kind of a crusader while creating problems where there arent any. Go be a bug somewhere else now.
Just as much as you’re calling me out on my “poor comprehension skills” and “wrong assumptions,” I’m calling you out on that as well. I literally was simply stating comments and discussions about a subject matter that I deemed was worthwhile to your initial question becuz guess what? Everything I’ve mentioned is related to the so called initial subject of the comment. And btw, this isn’t a college classroom setting, I’m not obligated to continuously stick to main point. I honestly had no ill intent with my comments. You’re the one that’s literally freaking out and being overexaggerated about this and still are when I call you out on it. I already apologized for assuming you didn’t know certain things. And again, I’m not here to “call people names on the internet.” You’re literally blowing this out of proportion and making me seem like this overly hyped internet social justice warrior and making yourself seem like the smart more intelligent person. I literally don’t know what’s the problem here. And like it said already, I didn’t call you a transphobic, I said YOUR ATTITUDE towards disregarding the words of my friends was becuz it came off wrong, even if you meant it as a joke. And like I said, I was asking you to take them into consideration on a understanding level rather than a personal one. You’re literally misconstruing my words and my intent. And I’m not turning a harmless question into an accusation of transphobia. Like where the fuck did that come from? I never said you not knowing Rei’s gender was transphobic. My transphobic comment came from you not taking my friends’ words and also talking about japan’s own transphobia. I wasn’t calling you that. Like literally, you are also lacking comprehension in what I’m trying to say and figuratively putting words in my mouth as well. And like I said, I don’t see the problem with trying to have a bigger discussion/conversation on this subject matter. Like there’s no harm in it. Like I really don’t understand where your harsh tone came from. I literally never meant for this discussion to turn out like this. If anything, you misunderstood my tone and intent from my first two initial comments. You assumed and misinterpreted them as me “coming off like an angry Know it all.” I legit had no negative feelings what so ever in my initial comments. If you felt that way from my comments, then I’d say that’s also a YOU problem on your part. Also, I already acknowledged your understanding of Japan’s prejudice so I don’t know why you’re still pissed off about that. And it’s not like I’m stating I personally have a problem with Japan’s view on the LGBTQ+ community, i legit was simply just stating facts and reasons harmlessly, even if you already knew them or didn’t care about them. If you really didn’t care, it would’ve just been smarter to not respond to me, especially if it made you that pissed off, even when that wasn’t my intent. And I’ll fucking apologize again if I came off that way in the first place. I also think it’s very rude and immature of you to suddenly make assumptions about me “being miserable and wanting to be some kind of a crusader while creating problems where there arent any.” like wtf? Where the hell did that come from? Didn’t you just say to stick to the subject of the comment? I honestly was just innocently trying to make some statements not just for you but for anyone else who comes across this comment section who may not completely understand everything and get a different perspective. If anything, it just feels like you got offended by me mentioning the word “transphobic” becuz that’s honestly where I feel like your anger is being derived from. And again, I didn’t call you transphobic and wasn’t here to call anybody transphobic. I explained that your attitude towards my friends was. That is all. And if that’s a wrong assumption on my part, then I’ll apologize now for that before you get pissed off again. And again, I only wanted to mention some reasoning behind the absence of direct declaration of Rei’s gender identity as a way of simply understanding why it wasn’t mention and why people, including you, didn’t quite catch what her identity was. Again, I don’t see the harm in that. I didn’t comment those with an “high horse” agenda in mind. And again, I don’t see the harm in it. You’re seriously just blowing this out of proportion. I already fucking apologized for mis-assuming and for not properly explaining my words. Like I’m legit just trying to end this on good terms and it seems like you just want to keep on heating the pan (and I’ll apologize for that if I’m wrongly assuming cuz it seems like you get angry by every assumption I’ve made and I guess I’ll apologize for that too if it’s wrong)
Also, in your first comment, it appears you also didn’t understand why the comment section was having discussion about transphobia from your exact words “ i'm a little surprised by all these upset "transphobia" comments ” and that thus also contributed to me making extra and extended comments on the subject matter. Not to mention, there have been actual horrific transphobic commentators on this manga’s comment section, which would also explain why other people have been making similar comments as well. It’s not like my comments under your comment came out of nowhere, nor was it from a “high horse” agenda. And if it makes you feel better, then I’ll apologize for everything I’ve said and you can completely ignore it all and just move on with your day. Again, none of my initial comments came from anger or ill - tent. Both of us have misunderstood and misinterpreted each other. So let’s just have a peaceful concession on that
Wow these comments are full of amnesia and toxic people are sexy syndrome. Guess we're supposed to ignore the fact that masaki abused, blackmailed, and raped Chiaki in the first story. Chiaki clearly hates him because of it. They werent a couple, Masaki forced their relationship. We also never get a reason why Masaki bothered to blackmail Chiaki in the first place, it didnt seem as if he even liked him so he did it to be evil and to make him "listen". He never apologized or even reflected on his actions for some much needed character development. Now Masaki finds some weird little uke with domineering daddy issues and a masochistic urge to be beat up and now all of a sudden Masaki's turned sexy? How sway? Make it make sense! he also states he's gonna stop hitting the uke and what does he do after the uke was forced to leave him? He hits him because he's mad/hurt. Masaki wasnt likeable and the artist just romantized another toxic violent yaoi character.
Really tho! Thankfully all Yaoi is NOT like this but this was ridiculous and grossly overrated. I prefer this artist's other works. This one was trash. Shame since the art was clean and pretty. Fantasizing about rape, pedophillia, and enjoying beating or seeing some one getting beat up is something crazy sick people do in real life so why is it suddenly sexy in manga? Anyways if you've read anything good lately please suggest it :-)
I really like this one I'm not sure if you've read it or not but its pretty realistic and very cute. The art is very nice as well http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/harukaze_no_tranger/
So I haven't read the prequel (yet). And from the comments most of them have the same opinion as me. It is a good couple and manga. BUT after reading your comment it is that I know of his previous story. So instead of judging people by the comments that don't point out any knowledge of the prequel, complain about the character (? Also, he does mention that he liked Chiaki. I do agree that, for all that he made Chiaki go through it should have been addressed more(?). But I think that this manga is more on exploring this character and how he heals. For what I see, Chiaki has healed.
This was kinda cute and funny in all but the ending was soooo rushed. The progression of the story was slow throughout but then we get All of this progress in the last chapter which didnt make much sense. More interaction from the brother and friend would have been nice since they were good solid supporting characters. This needed to be at least 3 chapters longer to help with the story development.
This Uke seems kinda slow. Like he cant defend himself ever, has no sense of danger and he doesnt listen even though he's been attacked before. He sucks as "security"...Lets hope he gets tougher & smarter after this unnecessary rape scene but knowing yaoi the seme will probably always have to just run and save him ( ̄へ ̄)
Having sex with a drunk unconscious person is rape, since they arent awake and being unconscious is not the same as just being asleep. Having sex with someone who is visibly incoherant, cant communicate in a way that makes sense and can barely walk is rape. The guys at the clubs who look for drunk girls who are passed out or alone and pick them up and walk off with them as if they know them, have sex with them and then those girls wake up the next day not knowing who these guys are or what happend to them- this is rape. A person drinking then having sex with someone they dont want to or wouldnt normally have sex with but CAN communicate they dont want it, arent threatened or coerced in any way and can fight if they need to but is not physically forced or drugged in anyway is not rape-thats just a bad decision. But! 2 people who are drunk & actively engaging in having sex with each other is another story. For example If im drunk and my boyfriend is drunk and we actively have sex with each other- that does not mean we are raping each other. Rape is not a cut and dry subject. Its not black and white. Its a grey. Some people are over simplifying this. And also people need to drink responsibly, dont get fucked up and not have someone you trust to look out for you. Predators are EVERYWHERE- they always have been and always will be and your an easy victim by not using common sense and being responsible.