On WEBTOON KR, its stated that the WEBTOON with come back in January 29 of this year. I’m just wondering, now after everything that happened. How are they going to do the recent arc they tried to do? It’s obvious they had to scratch the original idea due to the use of a word that was most definitely not needed. But with that being said, the whole arc was about racism (done in bad taste) what’s the arc going to be like now?
Just read the recent spoiler and to say I’m pissed would be an understatement. Woojin get behind me buttercup, you ain’t deserve this
I wouldn’t say beat up but Ho-in and Woojin kinda got into a physical fight all because of a misunderstanding that’s in the recent chapters. It’s kinda angering. Here’s a link to it if you wanna check it out yourself
Why did the old artist have to be a pedophilic weirdo? Why couldn’t they just be a normal law abiding citizen and we could’ve kept our good art style
That's what i wished! The art was so good, why the artist have to draw crazy pedo shit when she could draw this good
Why the best are always the crazy one?