this is one old af yaoi manga concept where back then,, almost every single yaoi concepts are only this type. Literally an epitome of what ancient yaoi manga is about.
i dont know what category this falls into,, one thing's for sure though— it's giving me one heck of a laughing-disappointing look and i think that's amazing
I think making this manhwa a short one was a good decision. No other segways, fillers and etc. I like the way that it's straight to the point, though some elements are lacking explanations— I still think it's a pretty satisfying ending.
unrelated but that gguk at the end lowkey scared the crap outta me akkdmskd
Same, I was just getting hit by the "You're fired as of today" when that thing pops out and I'm like--WHOP. KAY. NOT SAD ANYMORE. KAY. lol