Sigh!!!!!! I really hate that the manager leaves every time Chanbit needs him. Like if he Knows how he feels and loves him like he imagines then.. I guess then no drama would happen. I hate that Chanbit is about to be exploited by CEO.. I just wish he had a stronger will.

Right. At the end the manager says he will ask him later about what happened like really???? If he stayed he could have consoled him, calmed him down from what was obvious terror after seeing the ceo, protected him against a CEO that is at his apartment and didn't seem like wanted to go, and then asked. But nope let me leave him alone to deal with his issues alone ( yes leave a person you get well know looks for love and company I alone when they need it most I yup cause that sounds smart) and than still hope he trusts me enough to tell me what is going on.
When he asked if he could sleep over, I saw that a sign for help. He didn't ask for sex or try to be sexy he was scared and asked like a child afraid of the dark. I am sure if he would have stayed and showed he cared he might have found out at least parts of his past.
P.s I am sure the dislikes on your comment are from the people hating on the uke cause you brought up a good point. Their problems are both their faults but some make it seem like the seme is a saint.

Thank you!!! You see my point! Chanbit was on the brink of tears, saying please stay.
And if I was the Manager leaving seeing that the CEO was outside waiting saying all that shit I would have went right back up..
like if you missed all the signs and then someone tells you right to your face.. arghhgghh I’m frustrated.
Thanks for that p.s I wouldn’t have thought this comment would get disliked lol but hey if you like a seme that is cold and can’t read your emotional state then they can have him.
Yeah I’m sure he is that happy when the director put it down for 3 straight chapters!
Honestly I’m happy for him haha... more so jealous.