As I already read "Daughter of the emperor" I wanted to see how much similarities it have with this one and there's a lot, I dont say it's bad actually I cant decide the one that I like more, maybe because both of them are still unfinished. Although I liked the fact that we saw the entire childhood of Ariadna from DofTE what we barely have here (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

I agree actually. The two have way to many similarities expect for the art and humour (my opinion) No hate to DOFTE but having a beautiful adaptation can really make a difference tho clearly out of the two manhwas, DOFTE is the funniest, please it's still so funny remembering when Ariadna learned how to speak she always clash with the emperor about her being ugly and that maybe its because she's his daughter and she looks like him.
I love them both so much.

This is NOT the raws is just the french version
link : https://www.japanread.cc/manga/higasa-chan
enjoy ~
I found the vol 3 chap 5 which was removed for whatever reason, so if someone can translate it and post it here it would be wonderful! The chap is in italian or espagnol I think https://qvfammaonline.blogspot.com/2020/12/megumi-to-tsugumi-vol-03-capitulo-05.html
Please don't use the spanish translation (this is spanish btw), the group don't like it.
There have been many times people had used their translations, and that pissed them off and make them put off their page.
So please leave the spanish scans alone, I know we all want to read the continuation, but if you use this to retranslate you leave the spanish speakers whithout a way to read it.
Oh okay I didn't know that :< guess we have to wait then thanks for telling ( ̄∇ ̄")
Thanks for understanding <3