natsuhi June 18, 2015 6:47 am

omg the extra chapter! please i wanna see the prez tease nezaki so bad!! more XD

natsuhi June 15, 2015 7:04 pm

oh shit oh shit oh shit!!! this has got to be the best ever!!! it's a hidden gem. it's so awesome. i love this manga. these two are just hilarious n heart renching T^T

natsuhi June 11, 2015 8:42 pm

totally love both stories!! they were both so good. i totally loved the extra for the second story XD Threesome!!!

natsuhi June 6, 2015 8:02 pm

so i reread this because of the little bro's story but seto looks so different!!! what happened?

    maimim June 21, 2015 9:21 am

    Ginger Honey takes place after Seto and Yoshino graduated so Seto must have cleaned up.

natsuhi June 5, 2015 12:28 am

OMG! youmei like him, youmei LIKES him. Hizuru don't lose hope!!!! youmei just has a different understanding of things. his brother!!! we need his brother to set him free. omg i'm starting to really like this couple a lot!!! but i still want to know more about izumi or the first couple that was shown

    daisy June 5, 2015 3:07 pm

    the brother passed away, so how can it be? i want to see youmei make his move too, but it is going to be a long time. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    natsuhi June 6, 2015 5:11 pm

    *gasp* the brother passed away??????? DARN IT!!! i missed that. omg no!!!!! then how will youmei ever be released? oh...maybe the wife will say something....or the half brother?

    Kin June 26, 2015 8:49 pm
    *gasp* the brother passed away??????? DARN IT!!! i missed that. omg no!!!!! then how will youmei ever be released? oh...maybe the wife will say something....or the half brother? natsuhi

    There's still Kiriki (?) or whoever that visiting dude was (too lazy to check). I figure he understands the situation. I hope...

natsuhi May 29, 2015 3:32 am

this manga made me feel so empty. i feel like curling up into a ball and get thrown into a corner then just getting left never be seen or tough bitter

natsuhi May 28, 2015 9:22 am

hmmm......idk. i don't really feel the love from her as i do from mineta.

    bakamono July 1, 2015 5:44 am

    yeah I get what you mean!! I mean it seems like she just went with the flow. I feel like I'm starting to feel it.. but its still a little lacking

    natsuhi July 1, 2015 6:52 am
    yeah I get what you mean!! I mean it seems like she just went with the flow. I feel like I'm starting to feel it.. but its still a little lacking bakamono

    yes yes! in the beginning it definitely felt like she went with the flow. like the popular guy didn't like her so she's just like "ok mineta now i like you" sorta thing. but in the latest chapter with her being yandere n all i kinda feel her love :D

    bakamono July 1, 2015 9:12 am
    yes yes! in the beginning it definitely felt like she went with the flow. like the popular guy didn't like her so she's just like "ok mineta now i like you" sorta thing. but in the latest chapter with her being... natsuhi

    right? but she's starting to understand. I think this is the first time she ever been in love. Just like the other popular guy before her. I think she got sweep off with the flow before realizing her actually feeling. I didn't think she was that yandere tho (but in my defense, but I just finish rewatching mirai nikki so the word yandere.. is really extreme in my head right now). To me it was more like a (hinted) confession. Considering the fact that when she told him she like him (Pretty sure it wasn't meant that way) and she's kinda been seeing him as nothing more than a child (if that's the right word...)

    natsuhi July 1, 2015 9:32 am
    right? but she's starting to understand. I think this is the first time she ever been in love. Just like the other popular guy before her. I think she got sweep off with the flow before realizing her actually f... bakamono

    LOL well i say yandere because of the way the mangaka drew her reaction when mineta was talking to another girl. it was hilarious XD
    but i totally get what you mean. i guess it was the whole her seeing him as a child thing. now that the mangaka is drawing mineta more manly or cool thru her eyes it seems like she's finally starting to like him like a man now. or at least i can feel it not.
    But i guess another thing that made me doubt her love for mineta is that she isn't really used to boys yet. mineta was the only boy that really talked to her n then boom she likes him. i mean that's ok n all but i want to see more of her emotions. like all the little things that mineta does n then she blush or gets the doki doki thing ya know? well i guess this is ok for now

    bakamono July 1, 2015 9:36 am
    LOL well i say yandere because of the way the mangaka drew her reaction when mineta was talking to another girl. it was hilarious XDbut i totally get what you mean. i guess it was the whole her seeing him as a ... natsuhi

    Oh goshes her reaction are super funny. I would be scare too if I was there! but althrough she hasn't realize her feelings.. its refreshing that they started going out than (other manga) where both of them take forever to realize their feelings and then another eternity to start going out!

    natsuhi July 1, 2015 9:44 am

    totally true!! LOL i like them but i totally hate how they finally realized their feeling for each other n then it's "The End" like noooooo!!!! I want to see their love dovey after scenes as well.
    Tho it was funny n interesting that her bully, Shimura, found out that she was his sweet angel so soon. Usually these things take FOREVER n then they find out it's her who's actually the pretty mysterious lady

natsuhi May 24, 2015 11:39 pm

i wish there was more about katsuragi and Biki. i think they were the cutest couple. i wanna know more about them and hope they have a good ending.

The one character I felt the saddest for was Tomoe. I hope everything goes well for him.

The ryuuins just confused me cuz they're guy but then they had boobs and were able to give birth sooooo....that was the only thing that i was confused on

natsuhi May 24, 2015 6:11 am

argh! this is why i don't like reading one shots. they always make me want more but there isn't more T^T. i liked these stories so much! especially chapter 15. i love it!! i want more. i want more!! >.< (sobbing rivers) why aren't there anymore? come one, at least give me hope that they're going to become series. these stories are too good. T^T MORE!!!

natsuhi May 22, 2015 5:54 am

it almost feels like this is a sequel to something. what does he mean by them being neighbors? i wanna see that

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