rémy.... linguini asked me to tell u he misses u... when will u go home
first lightsabers now light tacos sigh
oh to be a small grumpy bean with ur tall, handsome bodyguard having car sex in a random parking lot
What a lovely poem
they've done GL smut too, you KNOW it's gonna be good
why'd u have to say "teehee" on the middle of sex
damn, when will main couples finally break the curse of never being as interesting as side couples
Ikrr waiting for more of camera man and yohan momment
"i've never had an ass so warm before" why u talking about his ass like you're having a homecooked meal for the very first time
seiya is so fucking hot and respectful.... for what.... brb i'm going to go feel single in a corner now
dotsuco always serves us some good fucking food
Sorry meant to like
kind sir can u smother me to death in the warm embrace of ur bosom
rémy.... linguini asked me to tell u he misses u... when will u go home