叶不修 March 9, 2021 8:19 pm

damn catcher in the rye really started a "start with sexy times end with therapy" trope

叶不修 March 9, 2021 8:12 pm

i swear if he doesn't get some double dragon dick at some point in this story--

    saru March 9, 2021 8:36 pm

    Excuze me WHAT

    叶不修 March 9, 2021 9:50 pm
    Excuze me WHAT saru

    :) dragons are double the fun

叶不修 March 9, 2021 7:03 pm

there's just one last thing i gotta mention too: uenoyama is the one who's super captivated and engrossed with his band activities with hiiragi and the song, he never once shows any signs of being uncomfortable or jealous when yuki is mentioned??? he even thinks HE might be neglecting mafuyu.

and now that they're considering debuting, of course mafuyu needs to carefully inspect what music means to him personally, because for him yuki and music overlap so much--but if he's going to make a career out of it, he needs to be doing it because he loves it just as much as his bandmates, not just because yuki loved music.

i'm just asking the readers to please pay attention and truly see the story gusari is trying to tell, because it's such a beautiful and relatable one. if it helps, think of it like a sports anime where the characters actually get together.

叶不修 March 9, 2021 5:59 pm

gusari has ALWAYS been about ensemble casts and writing multiple couples being interconnected through their common acquaintances, even before given. so of course yuki will be featured a lot, as he is the intersection of many characters' relationships.

this story has also always been first and foremost about MUSIC, not romance. i have never seen uenoyama and mafuyu's relationship as being the central driving force of this story, even when i first read given back when the second volume hadn't been translated yet and there hadn't been a single established side couple.

i feel like many people simply view yuki as an obstacle to the uenoyama/mafuyu romance that we're supposed to be over already, but gusari developing slowly developing his character through the lens of how all these other characters perceive him is such GOOD storytelling. yuki isn't just mafuyu's ex; he's his mom's son, he is hiiragi's friend, and he is deeply intertwined with mafuyu's experience and love of music.

(also, uenoyama Not feeling insecure in relation to yuki whether it's in regards to his relationship with mafuyu or his relationship with music is a breath of fresh air. we don't need to rehash the "im sad ur ex is better than me" trope, it's a dead horse.)

    叶不修 March 9, 2021 6:39 pm

    tl;dr: if yuki annoys you so much and you're just here to see a romance develop between 2 specific characters, given might not be the story you think it is, or the one you're looking for. everyone is different and there are thousands of BL manga out there, it's ok to admit when one isn't a good fit for your tastes, and then move on from it.

    macky March 10, 2021 2:40 pm
    tl;dr: if yuki annoys you so much and you're just here to see a romance develop between 2 specific characters, given might not be the story you think it is, or the one you're looking for. everyone is different ... 叶不修

    Uenoyama IS insecure, and that’s understandable, but people dont even notice that he is. They just think he’s the perfect boyfriend without any issues. I think that’s what the original comment was trying to say. I dont think he’s insecure with Yuki though. I think he’s insecure because this is his first relationship and besides all the baggage that comes with it, he’s not really sure if he’s doing well. Like when he thought in Chapter 23 “to begin with, what does he think of me as a boyfriend? Also, more specifically, what does he really want to do?”

    叶不修 March 10, 2021 3:08 pm
    Uenoyama IS insecure, and that’s understandable, but people dont even notice that he is. They just think he’s the perfect boyfriend without any issues. I think that’s what the original comment was trying ... macky

    i don't know where people are pulling out this whole "perfect boyfriend" shtick, i don't see anywhere in-text that uenoyama is demanded to be a perfect boyfriend? he's a teenage boy, he's definitely not going to be perfect. and of course he's going to have completely reasonable questions and doubts about his relationship. everyone has insecurities. but i don't think that makes him insecure, i still read him as a fairly confident person. a completely healthy relationship can still be nuanced and encounter conflict, just as a confident person will still experience moments of self-doubt.

叶不修 March 9, 2021 5:39 pm

this what happens at boys' sleepovers?

    Hana March 9, 2021 7:51 pm

    sometimes ya

    叶不修 March 9, 2021 8:06 pm
    sometimes ya Hana

    damn ours were fucking boring in comparison

叶不修 March 8, 2021 4:14 pm

not my man coming for seiya's ass AND his career

叶不修 March 4, 2021 2:19 pm

nah i'm not even pretending i wouldn't hop on banam's dick in a hot second

(on a more serious note: basic reading comprehension would make it easy to see that rix only agreed to "prove" he doesn't have feelings for nuah, we all know what happens when nuah is seen to be "interfering" too much with the mortal world, rix is obviously doing it to protect him... which is fucked up in itself)

叶不修 March 4, 2021 1:30 pm

every chapter i come here in the hopes that collin will finally be written like an actual adult and each time i'm disappointed because he's still being coded as a child

like, sorry i'm uncomfortable shipping ein with someone he appears to actually be raising? as much as collin's stated to be 18yo, he's written like he's 13 and just started puberty, WHY??

    ewewy March 4, 2021 1:40 pm

    I kinda get why he is written like a child and looks like a child given his background, but in that case why make it sexual. It is super uncomfortable.

    Uiiiaaa March 4, 2021 1:48 pm
    I kinda get why he is written like a child and looks like a child given his background, but in that case why make it sexual. It is super uncomfortable. ewewy

    Stfu. Stop complaining and drop the manga.

    ewewy March 4, 2021 2:03 pm
    Stfu. Stop complaining and drop the manga. Uiiiaaa

    Funny how some people believe others can't have opinions or express opinions that differ on this site. I am uncomfortable but I like other aspects of this book. I am not allowed to express my opinion? You disagree with me that is fine. But telling me to shut the fuck up so that other people who disagree with me don't have to read my comment is a bit rude.

    叶不修 March 4, 2021 2:05 pm
    I kinda get why he is written like a child and looks like a child given his background, but in that case why make it sexual. It is super uncomfortable. ewewy

    if collin's age wasn't explicitly stated to be 18 i would have never guessed he was an adult LMAO the other dude even called ein his nanny im---

    DemFeels March 4, 2021 3:07 pm

    Boys continue to grow till they're like 22 so hopefully Collin gets a growth spurt

    Cale Henituse’s Alcohol March 4, 2021 3:23 pm

    His body in undeveloped because of starvation and abuse, I saw in authors Twitter how he looks like when he grows up and he looks damn hot

    DemFeels March 4, 2021 3:50 pm
    His body in undeveloped because of starvation and abuse, I saw in authors Twitter how he looks like when he grows up and he looks damn hot Cale Henituse’s Alcohol

    Can you link the picture?

    DemFeels March 4, 2021 5:59 pm
    https://mobile.twitter.com/SHROOMI_0x0/status/1359107324393050114 Cale Henituse’s Alcohol

    Thank you<3 and omg he does become damn hot.

    叶不修 March 4, 2021 11:21 pm
    His body in undeveloped because of starvation and abuse, I saw in authors Twitter how he looks like when he grows up and he looks damn hot Cale Henituse’s Alcohol

    i'm not talking about physically tho i'm talking about mentally, some people have a baby face. the art doesn't bother me, the characterization does

    Cale Henituse’s Alcohol March 5, 2021 12:00 am

    Oh I see, well, maybe it’s because he hasn’t received education? And maybe the abuse has left an impact on him? I’m not sure

叶不修 March 3, 2021 5:07 pm

eve if u want gozu to hear a word ur saying don't push him around, now he's too busy being horny

叶不修 March 3, 2021 5:04 pm

): oh no taehwan has anyone told you ur dick has lost its sparkly glow? might wanna get that checked out

    Yuhgetintoit March 3, 2021 5:07 pm

    I- I was confused for a second....but now I understand what you mean lmaoooo

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