europa July 23, 2019 12:39 am

Does the author know how humans act? Because from what I’m seeing they’ve never seen two people speak to each other in their life

europa May 28, 2019 5:47 pm

This is basically a worse version of July found by chance

europa May 10, 2019 1:14 pm

For the people commenting how they want this to be a yaoi just because you think sexual assault is hot when it’s mlm need to be euthanized

    Fangg June 5, 2019 3:59 am

    I don`t know if I should agree or disagree. If you included yuri in the euthanization perhaps I would have agreed.

    Anyways I never asked, but have always wondered why don`t you just read shounen ai? It has gay romance but no yaoi-type sex scenes. Heck not all of them are even smutty like this manga

    europa June 5, 2019 9:46 pm
    I don`t know if I should agree or disagree. If you included yuri in the euthanization perhaps I would have agreed.Anyways I never asked, but have always wondered why don`t you just read shounen ai? It has gay r... Fangg

    Clearly I don’t support sexual assault of any kind my brain can dislike several thousand things at once just because I didn’t mention her doesn’t mean I condone it. And I would still be complaining about fetishization If I read shounen-ai so wouldn’t make a difference.

europa May 8, 2019 4:58 pm

Can someone tell me what’s so good about this my friend asked me to review this for them and I understand the appeal since you’re all mlm fetishizers but I’m trying to find something good about this and I can’t. Characters are one dimensional the romance is shallow and the structure of the story is very bland. The sex scenes seem to be the only thing this has going for it.

europa May 7, 2019 5:08 pm

I always come back to read this just to be confused. I don’t care about any of the characters since they’re all developed very poorly with Junseo being the exception. Even then he has the depth of a puddle it’s still some depth so it always just boggles my mind that the author pushed karam under the guise of subverting expectations. Yea I get it mc never really stopped having a crush on him so it’s not really subversion but the fact that he’s a static character and doesn’t have any redeeming qualities or characterization besides out of character actions still leaves a bad taste in my mouth since he’s the end game. I don’t even really like this webtoon so I don't know why it makes me itch I guess lazy writing just bothers me. If Junseo got a resolution I would be satisfied romance isn’t always required to conclude something but making a character who already suffer endure more after opening up seriously gets on my nerves. I won’t even mention the childhood friend since he has the same amount of personality as a bag of rocks has. Overall rating 4/10 since I read the Spanish translation.

europa May 5, 2019 9:48 pm

Funny how you guys enjoy stuff like this but when a webtoon that has similar themes but features a woman as the protag shows up in popular You all ridicule it for being disgusting but enjoy the stuff when it features mlm... fetishziers get the death sentence

    bad angel May 6, 2019 4:37 am

    Eh I don't think there's anything wrong with fetishes, but I agree that they shouldn't shit on the fxm comics.

    europa May 6, 2019 5:12 am
    Eh I don't think there's anything wrong with fetishes, but I agree that they shouldn't shit on the fxm comics. bad angel

    Thinking a group of people as commodities or objectifying gay men/relationships is inexcusable so I don’t think you understand the difference between a fetish and fetishizing

    bad angel May 6, 2019 8:34 am

    I do understand. What I don't understand is why you think someone should get a death sentence because of they think. But if they're treating people differently and affecting their lives then yeah fuck them

    bad angel May 6, 2019 8:37 am

    Of what they* typo

    sakurakou May 7, 2019 2:32 pm

    maybe u need to go how hentai fandom are like they just can get as freaky as here

europa April 26, 2019 10:19 pm

Read this in one sitting because it was highly recommended by a friend 1st season was okay characters had no depth for anyone except taesung but that’s only because he got a backstory haebom is basically there so people can infantilize him and not much else and the side characters were all chalked up to have 1 trait which was how much they like taesung was hoping they’d pick it up in the second season but it’s just more of episodic cute couple being cute with no character development or fleshing out anyone the stalker plotline was interesting but dropped the ball again no one grew or learned anything and ensemble cast is as flat as ever the art is cute but why do people like this so much

europa April 6, 2019 5:00 am

I don’t usually comment but you straight girls are legit INSANE you’d hate actual gay culture where promiscuity multi sex partners and sexual freedom is legit a core identity for a lot of gay men (like me) and you guys do realize that Makoto thought Shou was straight right??? Like he obviously slept around to 1. Advance the shopping district and 2 because he thought shou would never return his feelings. Please seek help the story wasn’t half bad you’re all hung up on something so trivial it’s literally 2019 and your shaming drawings for sleeping around because he was hopelessly in love and thought that it would fill the void I really hope you gals are trolling because you all look like a pack of deranged idiots

    Nevar April 6, 2019 5:35 am

    These straight girlies read a few yaois and they think they have a degree on homosexology or some shit girl BYE. None of y'all are going to understand how it's like for us in the LGBT community. Read your yaois and move along.

    Lovena April 6, 2019 5:43 am

    1. These girls are children, actual little girls.
    2. They've never been in a mature relationship.
    3. They're not mature.
    4. They do not understand how most adults function and the relationship they have with sex--causal sex.

    Amethyst April 6, 2019 6:50 am
    1. These girls are children, actual little girls.2. They've never been in a mature relationship.3. They're not mature.4. They do not understand how most adults function and the relationship they have with sex--... Lovena

    U cannot generalize. Everyone is different. In 25 nd I've been in casual relationship nd in the end I don't feel the use of it. So yeah. People have different opinions and they are entitled to like something or not.

    europa April 6, 2019 6:58 am
    These straight girlies read a few yaois and they think they have a degree on homosexology or some shit girl BYE. None of y'all are going to understand how it's like for us in the LGBT community. Read your yaoi... Nevar

    Yea exactly they’re so plagued with heteronormative fairytale bullshit that they think it applies everywhere else adulthood and adult love isn’t black and white nor is it always pure and clean it’s messy and ugly

    europa April 6, 2019 6:59 am
    1. These girls are children, actual little girls.2. They've never been in a mature relationship.3. They're not mature.4. They do not understand how most adults function and the relationship they have with sex--... Lovena

    Well I think it’s time for them to grow the fuck up I like that idea

    Amethyst April 6, 2019 7:08 am

    Not every straight girl is like that. Can you say that you have met each and every straight girl across the world and asked them about their opinions? And as you said it's 2019. Everyone is entitled to show their views. U are angry about the fact that 'we' don't accept the casual sleeping part. I can give an explanation to that-'men' have always subjugated us and looked down upon us since a long time ago and we were/are not given the freedom to sleep around and are looked down upon. So we naturally think that it's bad. We are opening our minds to things like this. You don't know us to the core we don't know you to the core. Let's just settle on mutual respect. If you have problems with us not knowing much about ur community it's not because it's our fault that half of the population keep the things about you guys hidden. We all have time to learn till the day we all die. So don't be rude to them just as they are rude, you can make them understand but still you cannot tell them what to like and what not to like.

    europa April 6, 2019 7:17 am
    Not every straight girl is like that. Can you say that you have met each and every straight girl across the world and asked them about their opinions? And as you said it's 2019. Everyone is entitled to show the... Amethyst

    What if I told you... I don’t give a fuck about your feelings eat my shit motherfucker majority of people who use this platform to read yaoi/BL/shounen ai Are Straight girls who fetishize gay relationships like gay men are animals so I’m calling it how I see if you felt ran over by that statement that’s a reflection of you not me babes clearly you needed to try harder in opening your minds since casual sex is not something new and it seems counterintuitive that you’re saying women find it disgusting because they’re shamed for it when in reality they shouldn’t have a problem with it if the patriarchy tried so hard to make it seem bad right? Because when you’re opressed in a certain way and others marginalized groups do similar things you would sympathize instead of shame them right? Are you understanding what I’m sayinf?

    Amethyst April 6, 2019 7:41 am
    What if I told you... I don’t give a fuck about your feelings eat my shit motherfucker majority of people who use this platform to read yaoi/BL/shounen ai Are Straight girls who fetishize gay relationships li... europa

    Oh. Fuck you too. I also had hoped that you would have understood my point. THAT NOT ALL WOMEN HATE GAYS!! I never had anything against gays but now I feel like yeah there are some dickheads like you who is so deep in the dickhole who when approached by the the other party regarding the matter is sour and too angry to comprehend what the other party is saying. And you're talking about equally subjugated communities should team up or understand each other. Oh well, our subjugation is different from yours and well had you known that you were gay since childbirth? If yes then congratulations but no then let me tell you that we women have been told that You are a girl, if not us then our mothers that she is a girl and we are bound by ropes far more than yours if you look into the life of an average girl. If you are salty about the fact that we have not put enough efforts in understanding you people well it's all thanks to guys like you in your community who is just gonna swear and scream and say you don't know about us.

    Anonymous April 6, 2019 8:33 am
    Oh. Fuck you too. I also had hoped that you would have understood my point. THAT NOT ALL WOMEN HATE GAYS!! I never had anything against gays but now I feel like yeah there are some dickheads like you who is so ... Amethyst

    Honestly, you literally proved his point about straight women who read BL being ignorant about homosexuality, it's no wonder he struck a nerve. He also never said all or every straight women who read BL, so don't be so quick to assume that means you.

    Amethyst April 6, 2019 8:44 am
    Honestly, you literally proved his point about straight women who read BL being ignorant about homosexuality, it's no wonder he struck a nerve. He also never said all or every straight women who read BL, so do... @Anonymous

    Well thanks for that. My point exactly. We don't know about them and they don't know us. So why is he pouring so much hate. He can just say that he liked the story and move on.

    Anonymous April 6, 2019 11:23 am
    What if I told you... I don’t give a fuck about your feelings eat my shit motherfucker majority of people who use this platform to read yaoi/BL/shounen ai Are Straight girls who fetishize gay relationships li... europa

    "What if I told you... I don’t give a fuck about your feelings eat my shit motherfucker "
    You are not very mature, and if you can't stand people having different views, just don't comment.( You're probably a teenage boy.)

    "......actual gay culture where promiscuity multi sex partners ...." : you do realise that they are gay men who are not agree with you ? some are fed up with this "bad image" of gay men. We are in 2019 we still thought of them as promiscuious people, but not all them are like that. Being gay doesn't mean having sex with everything that moves !
    I know gay men you would probably hate because they arent like you : they are tired of the bad image that you contribute to give about gay men being all promiscuous (they would be angry at the "part of the culture"!). But they are older than you, who must be a teenage boy.
    Despite being gay, YOU are part of the problem : you say gay men are all promiscious and in the same time you are angry with the people who called gay men "promiscious"!!! or maybe I misundertood what you wanted to say.

    (pssssttttt: In 2019 heterosexual women keep fighting for their sexual freedom ! Women fight for having the right to have sex when and with whom they want without be called "promiscious". )

    I'm ready for your mature answer !

    UltimateRighteousHero April 6, 2019 12:11 pm
    "What if I told you... I don’t give a fuck about your feelings eat my shit motherfucker "You are not very mature, and if you can't stand people having different views, just don't comment.( You're probably a t... @Anonymous

    That's the fact. I know gay men that actually prefer committed relationships. They don't want to be viewed as promiscuous just because a part of LGBT community prefers open relationships or casual sex. Are they also 'heteronormative'? I guess their existence is inconvenient for the author of this comment who is simply generalizing all gay men because it fits better with his own lifestyle and principles...

    Anonymous April 6, 2019 12:34 pm
    That's the fact. I know gay men that actually prefer committed relationships. They don't want to be viewed as promiscuous just because a part of LGBT community prefers open relationships or casual sex. Are they... UltimateRighteousHero

    I'm the annon' you answered to : you phrased what I mean way better than me ! lol, thanks.

    actualtrash April 6, 2019 12:59 pm
    "What if I told you... I don’t give a fuck about your feelings eat my shit motherfucker "You are not very mature, and if you can't stand people having different views, just don't comment.( You're probably a t... @Anonymous

    Took the words right out of my mouth. Just adding my comment to see how this thread goes. Just because y'all are part of a community doesn't mean you can speak on behalf of them. I know many men who don't like sleeping with everyone who offers.

    My only issue was that I couldn't imagine being with someone who slept with all my friends/everyone around (including my own dad wtf). At that point it's not about gay culture. It was just too unrealistic. And it didn't align with my moral compass, I'd literally treat everyone the same idgaf what community you're part of after the fact you slept with my mom/dad, like we can't be friends.

    Also about fetishizing gay men welcome to the club (unfortunately). I'm really interested to hear what your solution is. To stop reading yaoi/smut/watch porn? The whole issue of fetishizing someone is treating them like they're people. I get it though like as women we've had the same thing done to us so why are we okay with it being done to other people? And Idk man. But I do think that writing about it is good and learning more. To a lot of people that's the only experience they have with gay ppl lol. I'm sure it opens up a lot of ppl to a new perspective. My main point here is as long you don't take what you read in manga and apply to actual ppl I'm good lolol. And personally I hate when I'm not written by ppl the way I want, I love smart strong characters and he does classify as one. I hate when purity is a characteristic of a person like y'all could see that he's a good person. But if my dad/everyone in my group of friends and I slept with the same person that's a no for me lol.

    europa April 6, 2019 1:30 pm
    "What if I told you... I don’t give a fuck about your feelings eat my shit motherfucker "You are not very mature, and if you can't stand people having different views, just don't comment.( You're probably a t... @Anonymous

    Organize your thoughts come up with a narrative and make it make sense and I will have a discussion with you because I have no idea what you’re trying to say clearly my problem is people painting promiscuity as a bad thing right? By itself promiscuous has a negative connotation and gay people were shamed for having sex but then they started doing it because the felt like it so that the word promiscuous wouldn’t have a negative connotation right?

    europa April 6, 2019 1:33 pm
    That's the fact. I know gay men that actually prefer committed relationships. They don't want to be viewed as promiscuous just because a part of LGBT community prefers open relationships or casual sex. Are they... UltimateRighteousHero

    And? Is that what I’m talking about? Please tell me where I said gay men didn’t prefer that I would love to see it hear it believe it read it view it agree with it and much more. I’m sorry I just thought I was focusing my argument on the idea that having multiple sexual relationships while being a gay man is bad that’s what I was doing right?

    europa April 6, 2019 1:51 pm
    Took the words right out of my mouth. Just adding my comment to see how this thread goes. Just because y'all are part of a community doesn't mean you can speak on behalf of them. I know many men who don't like ... actualtrash

    oh so now the heterosexual is telling me not to speak up for my community that’s a classic that’s a classic. Obviously I was talking about gay men who do prefer sex like that you know many people who won’t have sexual partners and I know many people who do you seem to be the most sane and level headed out of all these replies so don’t speak on something you don’t know just because I didn’t specifically categorize every single persons sex life preferneces into tiny little boxes for easy distinction. I’m vouching for my fellow gays that do and for those that don’t know I’m not talking about them. As for your other comments I 100% understand what you mean but like the fact that these people expect the bottom to be pure and submissive and have an undying love for the top is blatantly ignorant and borderline homophobia that’s what I have a problem. Yea fucking your man’s dad is a bad and all but you’ll have to have some suspension of disbelief seeing that this is a manga. And you’d be surprised how many straight Girls Follow gay couples around or “ship” their straight guy friends because of the influence of funjoshia (homophobes) so That’s why I’m so angry and upset

    Anonymous April 6, 2019 2:16 pm
    Took the words right out of my mouth. Just adding my comment to see how this thread goes. Just because y'all are part of a community doesn't mean you can speak on behalf of them. I know many men who don't like ... actualtrash

    look i get that but the angry comments from actual gay ppl like me are because of the fetishization and literal dehumanization lit people calling him an ONAHOLE and BICYCLE like are you fucking kidding me?? if u ain't sayin this shit I'm good with u. like i don't think the uke should make out with a married man but that is NOT what us gay folk are addressing we ain't angry abt people being angry about that. we mad because people are obviously ignorant i can smell the straight girl from some of these posts. if u don't wanna sleep with someone who been around ur not obligated to be with anyone that's ok. it ain't ok to judge someone else on ur standards as if the seme is an idiot for being with someone he likes. all this isn't addressed to ppl like u but the fucking loonies who think they can police gay ppl behaviour based on some phD they got from yaoi

    Anonymous April 6, 2019 2:48 pm
    Organize your thoughts come up with a narrative and make it make sense and I will have a discussion with you because I have no idea what you’re trying to say clearly my problem is people painting promiscuity ... europa

    I admit I'm lacking vocabulary and my grammar is very bad (english is not my language), so sometimes I have difficulties to explain what I mean. But here, I think it was understandable enough.

    My problem is that YOU are depecting all gay men as promiscuous, and as something "cultural". But you're wrong, some gay want a commited relationship. YOU reduce homosexuality to promiscuity. I think people shouldn't be reduce to their sexuality.

    ".....Like he obviously slept around to 1. Advance the shopping district......."You also seem to justify prostitution as something normal for gay men. Is it also cultural ? because the gay men I know wouldn't resort to prostitution unless they are in very very very bad situation. But maybe I misanderstood what you said.

    YOU despised straight women without knowing them (you think they are straight women, but in fact you don't know if it is the case, they are just "pseudonyms" and you don't know who are behind those names). You talk to them badly, that's not how we make things better. You can explain things without being an assohole ("What if I told you... I don’t give a fuck about your feelings eat my shit motherfucker...").
    You want them to open their mind ? May I suggest you open your mind too ?
    You want them to grow up ?Your answers show how immature YOU are.

    LGBT people want to be recognized all over the world, want to be respected, to be accepted, want to be judged as human being (not on their sexuality), but people like you and Nevar, you're so patronizing, you're doing more bad than good for the LGBT community (in MY opinion).

    Gay men are shamed for their sexuality,
    Lesbians are shamed for their sexuality,
    Straight women are shamed for their sexuality,
    Only straight men are not blamed for their sexuality (even those who are promiscuous, we call them 'play boys").
    So we are in the same boat ? I have an idea : if we tried to understand each other by talking "normally", having civilized discussions, without insults, arrogance.... ?

    I'm a straight woman, and I don't judge people on their sex life. I fucking don't care what consenting adults do with their bodies, it's their life. Maybe it's because I'm "old".

    Before being homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual................commited or promiscuous, people are just human beings. That's how I see things.

    Sorry if it's still not clear.

    UltimateRighteousHero April 6, 2019 2:54 pm
    And? Is that what I’m talking about? Please tell me where I said gay men didn’t prefer that I would love to see it hear it believe it read it view it agree with it and much more. I’m sorry I just thought ... europa

    Yeah, you didn't say gay men didn't prefer it because you simply didn't mention this kind of possibility. You saying 'you'd hate actual gay culture' make it seem like it's some kind of straight girls vs all gay people fight, but it's not. My point is that in real life there are also gay men that don't like the idea of having multiple sexual relationships and it's not just 'heteronormative fairytale bullshit' of some straight girls reading yaoi, that's all.

    europa April 6, 2019 3:48 pm
    I admit I'm lacking vocabulary and my grammar is very bad (english is not my language), so sometimes I have difficulties to explain what I mean. But here, I think it was understandable enough.My problem is that... @Anonymous

    You’re taking your own personal feelings of anger and applying it to my own experience as an actual gay person that’s funny it truly is where did I say all men what made you think that way I’m curious because clearly I was detailing my own experience and a lot of others people’s experiences when I said a lot right? A lot doesn’t mean all if I’m not mistaken maybe the meaning changed over the passed few years. I’m not justifying prostitution you just want to put words in my mouth to be angry clearly I was justifying his actions through the context of what was given in the story where and when did I say that prostitution is something good? I would love to know when I thought that and when I said that you can include the time date and year if you want. I was CLEARLY trying to say sexual relationships and loving someone don’t go hand and hand and you can do all of those things while still being in love with someone because that’s just how unrequited love is. And overall my entire point so obviously flew over your head since you went on a rant about equality if you couldn’t taken my rant and comprehend it enough to see that I’m mad because of the fact that people are mad over something trivial like how many sexual partners someone has and deciding that the person doesn’t truly love the person they said they were in love with (and my point about having multiple sex partners and open relationships is a big thing in gay circles in real life and more specifically where ties into that) Then I don’t know what else I can do for you to pick up what I’m putting down.

    europa April 6, 2019 3:52 pm
    Yeah, you didn't say gay men didn't prefer it because you simply didn't mention this kind of possibility. You saying 'you'd hate actual gay culture' make it seem like it's some kind of straight girls vs all gay... UltimateRighteousHero

    Hmm yea well if you used I don’t know CONTEXT CLUES? You could assume that maybe just maybe I know that monogamous people and nonmonogamous people exist within my own community and I’m talking about nonmonogamous ones. And don’t act like you have a point your point is just “hmm he didn’t mention people that DO prefer monogamy so maybe I should say that because clearly he doesn’t know it exists despite maybe his parents are monogamous people and most people in his life”

    Anonymous April 6, 2019 4:48 pm
    You’re taking your own personal feelings of anger and applying it to my own experience as an actual gay person that’s funny it truly is where did I say all men what made you think that way I’m curious bec... europa

    " I would love to know when I thought that and when I said that you can include the time date and year if you want" Seriously ?????

    "I’m not justifying prostitution you just want to put words in my mouth to be angry clearly I was justifying his actions through the context of what was given in the story where and when did I say that prostitution is something good?" : I didn't say you think prostitution is a good thing, I said you seems to considered it as something "normal" for gay men. I also add :"But maybe I misanderstood what you said." So it seems I misanderstood.

    "......because clearly I was detailing my own experience...." : re-reading all you're answers, it's still seem to me you made generalities, but if you considered not having made generalities about gay men you clearly made generalities about straight women !
    When Amethyst tried to talk about the fact that not all straight women thinks bad things about gay men , you answer that : "What if I told you... I don’t give a fuck about your feelings eat my shit motherfucker.............................." Yeah that type of answer makes me angry, you do what you blame the others for. You want us to understand and respect you and other gay men, being promiscuous or not, but YOU don't respect straight women and decide we are all "bad people" who can't understand a thing about homosexuality.

    If the answers you triggered are not what you expected, maybe you shouldn't have been so irrespectful even with those who tried to communicate with you with respect, with the "want" of understanding better what you wanted to convey. There are people who are open minded, but you slam the door in their head. So yes, after reading all your answers I have been angry with you and maybe I overreacted, but you weren't the most diplomate either (starting from your first post).
    If you want repect, learn to respect the others too (your posts about straight women, again, were as bad as the post about "bicycle" (for ex)......).

    If you only want people to be agree with you, you will be disappointed, life is not that simple.

    As a "old" straight woman, I dream of the day when a woman wouldn't be called, slut, bitch,
    cocks garage, ( and the beautiful expression "the only thing which didn't pass on her is the train"!) just for being born a woman !
    Society considers women shouldn't love sex, so no need for us to be promiscuous to be despised, it's not something only gay promiscuous men experienced. It's the daily life for most of women. And yeah, we are in 2019, sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    I think people must be "educated"about homosexualty, but the way you reacted is not the best way to make people change their mind about it. You give them exactely what they need to keep "hating" promiscuous gay men (and promiscuous people in general).

    And no, promiscuity is not a problem. Sex is not something we should be ashamed for, whatever our gender or sexuality is.

    UltimateRighteousHero April 6, 2019 5:28 pm
    Hmm yea well if you used I don’t know CONTEXT CLUES? You could assume that maybe just maybe I know that monogamous people and nonmonogamous people exist within my own community and I’m talking about nonmono... europa

    I'm perfectly aware that you know that monogamy exists but you didn't mention this in your rant about 'gay culture', presumably because it's more convenient for you. And... when did I even say you don't know about it? I suppose you can read so I can't comprehend what led you to this conclusion. From what I can see you're ignoring things that don't suit your views and twisting words of people that dare to disagree with you. This kind of behavior just proves your immaturity. I doubt that further discussion with you makes any sense.

    europa April 6, 2019 6:22 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Taro

    You’re an icon literally an icon

    Anonymous April 6, 2019 7:25 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Taro

    WOW, maybe I'm more than bad at explaining myself than I thought.

    "If you think one mean gay person is reason enough to despise and demonize all gay people for promiscuity maybe you never reallu cared about us."

    Nowhere, absolutely nowhere in my comments I said I despise or demonize homosexuals for promiscuity. NOWHERE.
    I quote mysellf : " Sex is not something we should be ashamed for, whatever our gender or sexuality is."
    Another quote from another comment of mine : "Before being homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual................commited or promiscuous, people are just human beings. That's how I see things."

    I don't know if your comment was really aimed to me, but clearly you misanderstood everything I wrote. I'm gonna take english lessons because it's clear that I failed to convey my thoughts.

    I fucking don't judge people on their sexuality or on the number os partners they have. I judge them on their PERSONALITY. Is that hard to understand what I mean ?

    Even when they are people who respect and support LGBT community, it's stronger than you, you reject them ! "There are people who are open minded, but you slam the door in their head."
    And you are surprised that in 2019 things don't change ?
    (In Brunei, the Sultan just voted a law that condemns to death by stoning homosexuals)

    I still didn't talk about this story. Here, I don't care Makoto sleeping with everything that moves, they are all adults and consenting. The only thing which bothered me : it's implied that he had something with Shou-chan's father. I'm thinking myself (wrongly it seems) as an open minded person but sex with the father of the one you love it's a big no for me.

    Peace and love, for everybody (even you)

    actualtrash April 6, 2019 8:48 pm
    oh so now the heterosexual is telling me not to speak up for my community that’s a classic that’s a classic. Obviously I was talking about gay men who do prefer sex like that you know many people who won’... europa

    First of all I don't see how my sexuality makes this convo different. I didn't mention my sexuality because I just wanted to have this conversation without the notion that my sexuality is what qualifies me to speak up.

    I had a whole ass essay written but then I read the comment ab the bicycle and I was like alright I get your anger (still doesn't justify your original comment saying all straight girls are legit insane). I just want to clarify by "speak on behalf of them" I didn't mean you can't speak up for the community. I just meant don't generalize. And when I say community I meant the straight girl who was talking too. Like y'all were talking to each other like you represented the whole community. Both of you want to defend yourself/your community. I understand you're pissed at the comments but coming at them with a fuck u and ur emotions ain't gonna solve shit. There is no room for logical discussion and understanding when someone is angry.

    Anywayssss fuck the person who wrote ab the bike, but also js even if this weren't a gay man sleeping around with everyone and their fathers no matter who the character, a straight woman/men, trans men/women,there would've been comments saying they're a slut. This story is literally doing the most. Any other story I'd agree with you. Sorry ended up writing another essay lol.

    actualtrash April 6, 2019 9:21 pm
    look i get that but the angry comments from actual gay ppl like me are because of the fetishization and literal dehumanization lit people calling him an ONAHOLE and BICYCLE like are you fucking kidding me?? if... @Anonymous

    Ahhhh I didn't see that comment till after u said it what the actual fuckkk. Who the fuck says that shit. I'm acc insanely triggereddddddd(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Anonymous April 6, 2019 9:44 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Taro

    "I don’t usually comment but you straight girls are legit INSANE you’d hate actual gay culture where promiscuity multi sex partners and sexual freedom is legit a core identity for a lot of gay men (like me)...." He didn't say promiscuity is the epitome of gay culture, but he clearly said promiscuity is a legit core of the gay culture, ............which made me angry because not all gay men thinks/are like that, and it's sad that people judge gay men only on their "supposed" promiscuity.
    Is it more clear ?

    chesie April 7, 2019 2:05 am

    I know right! it's really sad how most yaoi readers don't understand what real gay relationships are like, and how some yaoi authors perpetuate really gross and wrong relationships, and mostly fetishize gay relationships. i would love to talk to someone abt this topic more! so, if you'd like to have a friendly debate or conversation, message me :)

    Purupuru April 11, 2019 4:44 pm

    U should understand that sleeping around isn't the problem with the Uke.. It's fine as long as no other person are hurt but there were many other factors which make the Uke unlikeable.. Also the author is to blame because she/he couldn't give us a good insight about the Uke and I could list all of them other points that make us not like the Uke but read the other comments and you'll understand..

    europa April 11, 2019 11:14 pm
    U should understand that sleeping around isn't the problem with the Uke.. It's fine as long as no other person are hurt but there were many other factors which make the Uke unlikeable.. Also the author is to bl... Purupuru

    List everything you don’t like if you want to have a discussion give me something to discuss don’t give me something vague you look like you’re talking just to hear your own voice for all intents and purposes I am still going to assume 99% of people don’t like him because he sleeps around too much

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