the art looks fine-ish? i don’t think the artist changed, but the writing is so.. strange. what’s even happening.
THAT WAS IT?? this should’ve been a full manwha. i loved fbe ending so much how her expectations were different and she didn’t mind that they slept together and her suggesting that they clean up her apartment together pleasee
THAT WAS IT?? this should’ve been a full manwha. i loved fbe ending so much how her expectations were different and she didn’t mind that they slept together and her suggesting that they clean up her apartment together pleasee
i realllyyyy love the dual povs that we get to see in this comic. i love seeing their perspective so much and seeing how much it changes the story. my favorite couple was the second one. i love it when the ml is whipped for the fl HAHA they’re so cute my heart broke when i fr thought they were going to break up
does anyone have any recommendations for the last couple in side chapter 15 and 16?? i love their dynamic so much so cute
i can’t really say anything but why do i like her and hyomin together so much wtf he’s really fucking nice i want to see him in a normal romance manwha the fact he likes her even though she’s so crazy also wtf they knew each other when they were kids???? is the author going to explain that. it came out of nowhere? she’s so wishy-washy with her feelings man but hyomin just accepts her as she is . really interesting