Y’all literally hated He Tian in the last chapter because he was forcing Little Mo, switch up much?

And there’s still some hating him and saying he’s gaslighting, manipulating, faking it. Yet the author says otherwise.
Imagine actually telling a writer they’re wrong about their own storyline. People are so far up in their hatred of him they don’t see the story OX is telling.
He Tian and Mo are lonely damaged boys who are in the process of bonding in their own clumsy not necessarily correct and perfect way. But despite that chaos of it all in each other they find a light. They are better off together despite it all because look at Mo without He Tian. No friends besides his little gang and under She Li’s thumb. Getting into fights. Now he has a group who cares for him and defends him from She Li. Look at He Tian without Mo. Lonely and even with Zhan and Jian Yi it was obvious he felt left out like a sore thumb and he often intruded and was an unwanted third wheel. Their story encompasses shades of grey where nothing is simple.
Hiel and River are endgame right? If not I might as well stop here.