what is up with this author and incest lmfao

Spoiler (ranting!!)
To clarify, the main couple’s story is good, NO incest and not blood-related in anyway. It’s the side-story characters which is the main characters two brothers that’s incest. The other brother is “in-love” or obsessed ig with the other brother and yk does all sorta shit. Like that part of the side story just seems so unnecessary, it feels like the whole side characters should’ve just had their own story instead if the author was gonna make it so..much? Especially at the end. Like the main couple was sweet and mostly fluffy, little to no drama. Then the author hits us with “oh yeah i forgot! Incest, toxic relationship, trauma, manipulation!” And just adds it to the side characters cus they forgot it in the main story. The side-characters story is a whole rodeo that should’ve just had it’s own manhwua. The main couple’s story was great and ended smoothly, then you hit us with a half-assed side-story of the side-characters just to make it have some angst.
Im seeing A LOT of mixed reviews. I’ve been holding off on reading this cus it just looked a little complicated and had a lot happening. Can someone give me an unbiased review?
Theres rape. Like alot of rape. Especially towards the end. So if you would be uncomfortable reading that then don't read it. The couple starts off cute but the top (Dooshik) starts becoming more possessive overtime out of fear of losing the bottom (Jooha)
It's not a cute story and it can be hard to read sometimes. I would start it if you're okay with what I said above and drop it if you ever get to a point where you don't like it anymore.
Is it rape between the 2 main characters?…
No, not really. There's only one rapey scene between them in the most recent chapter. A lot of people are saying it's just rough sex but I beg to differ.
Its exactly why the side is so different from the main story that we are like this