There is no point mentioning that they are homophobic af, it's as clear as day.
But can we comment on the fact that they LITERALLY waited until they finished fucking (aka they literally WATCHED - ehm, hun can I get you some popcorn, like wtf?!) and then they barged into the room ONE BY ONE?!?! EXCUSE ME, IS THIS SOME KIND OF PARADE?!?!
I'm still trying to process the whole chapter (⊙…⊙ )
So I was wondering... Is it possible to upload a manga here? I can't even recall where I got it from, it's already been translated and it's not on the site. Isn't it a pity? (=・ω・=)
First upload the images to google drive in a folder. Go to any manga on here and you'll see a black flag thingy on the left side of the page . Click on it and in the other option mention the name genre author status of the manga and add the link of the google drive folder. They'll do the rest. Btw which manga is it??
I don't know who to ship with who. My brain hurts ( ̄∇ ̄") SEND HELP