Mutually toxic BL, GL or het idc throw it at me

Escape Into Oblivion FSSSS i love this book so much, and both the MC and ML are toxic asf to each other.

Anyone got BLs/GLs with complex characters?

The beast must die

Anyone got recs of BLs with realistic sex scenes? Don't necessarily have to be uncensored, just have to be realistic (e.g. dick doesn't just slide in, there is foreplay and/or preperation shown, maybe the first time doesn't go smoothly etc.)

For som reason this made me think of “ Shinyuu tte Soko Made Shinakucha Ikenai No?” - it’s a really fun manga mostly about one guy fingering his best friend for medical purposes but then it develops from there… you could say most of the manga is preparation iykwim ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ takes some time before tha deed!

Anyone got BLs/GLs with unique art styles?

i think you’ll definitely find one that you like here !!!
Recs for BL with well-drawn or realistic sex scenes?