Watch the author bullshit some sad "I was abused :(" backstory that is somehow fully gonna forgive the fact horse face had just basically taken advantage and probably will keep taking advantage of a very mentally unwell persom lmfao
Atp this has some sort of social experiment where they intentionally just put a bunch of deranged teens with one normal teen into the school cuz where the hell do you even get so many screwed up teens from at one school lmfao
Some of you all acting like nothing has been happening when the entire thing thus far has been the funniest and most engaging shit I have read recently ngl.
Like the burn is slow but imo it's at least really consistent and going at a steady pace where it doesn't just suddenly feel like a slog to read
To me at least their entire shtick hasn't grown old yet, I still enjoy having these 2 be dumbasses tremendously and I know we also ain't getting baited and actually are gonna get there
Recs for BL with well-drawn or realistic sex scenes?
Bro I haven't been reading since like the ending of season 1 AND THE GUY IS STILL SEEMINGLY GETTING SA'D IN EVERY CHAPTER??
Do you all who stuck with it not get tired from reading that, I had to force myself through the first season lol
B-but guys he saved him (even though he's partly at fault to why Dan walked into the ocean in the first place but I digress) and is so nice to his grandma he's akshually such a good guy, why ever would all of you want him gone??
(/s obviously)
Bro what is going on with this school why is every single insane person attending it
Next we are gonna find out Haruki is insane too in a twist
This is what happens when you go to a hello kitty girl's place
(For legal reasons this is a joke)
Ooooh I get it now, he isn't gay, he is an autistic bisexual with too much rizz and way too high standards!